Simply Red
For Your Babies

You've got that look again
The one I hoped I had when I was a lad
Your face is just beaming
Your smile got me boasting, my pulse roller-coastering
Anyway the four winds that blow
They're gonna send me sailing home to you
Or I'll fly with the force of a rainbow
The dream of gold will be waiting in your eyes

You know I'd do most anything you want
Hey I, I try to give you everything you need
I can see that it gets to you

I don't believe in many things
But in you I do

Her faith is amazing
The pain that she goes through contained in the hope for you
Your whole world has changed
The years spent before seem more cloudy than blue
In many ways your baby's controlling
When you haven't laid down for days
For the poor no time to be thinking
They're too busy finding ways

You know I'd do most anything you want
Hey I, I try to give you everything you need
I'll see that it gets to you
I don't believe in many things
But in you I do

You know I'd do most anything you want
Everyday I, I try to give you everything you need
We'll always be there for you
I don't believe in many things
But in you I do

Mirror lyrics:

But in you I do
I don't believe in many things
We'll always be there for you
Everyday I, I try to give you everything you need
You know I'd do most anything you want

But in you I do
I don't believe in many things
I'll see that it gets to you
Hey I, I try to give you everything you need
You know I'd do most anything you want

They're too busy finding ways
For the poor no time to be thinking
When you haven't laid down for days
In many ways your baby's controlling
The years spent before seem more cloudy than blue
Your whole world has changed
The pain that she goes through contained in the hope for you
Her faith is amazing

But in you I do
I don't believe in many things

I can see that it gets to you
Hey I, I try to give you everything you need
You know I'd do most anything you want

The dream of gold will be waiting in your eyes
Or I'll fly with the force of a rainbow
They're gonna send me sailing home to you
Anyway the four winds that blow
Your smile got me boasting, my pulse roller-coastering
Your face is just beaming
The one I hoped I had when I was a lad
You've got that look again

Relevant Tags:
FFor YYour BBabies or our abies oFr oYur aBbies cor gour vabies cFor gYour vBabies Fcor Ygour Bvabies ror hour gabies
rFor hYour gBabies Fror Yhour Bgabies gor 6our nabies gFor 6Your nBabies Fgor Y6our Bnabies tor uour habies tFor uYour hBabies
Ftor Yuour Bhabies vor 7our Baabies vFor 7Your Bbies Fvor Y7our Bbaies dor jour Bzbies dFor jYour Bzabies Fdor Yjour Bazbies
Foor tour Bqbies Fr tYour Bqabies Fro Ytour Baqbies Fkr Yoour Bsbies Fkor Yur Bsabies Fokr Yuor Basbies F9r Ykur Bwbies
F9or Ykour Bwabies Fo9r Yokur Bawbies F0r Y9ur Bxbies F0or Y9our Bxabies Fo0r Yo9ur Baxbies Flr Y0ur Babbies Flor Y0our Baies
Folr Yo0ur Baibes Fir Ylur Bavies Fior Ylour Bavbies Foir Yolur Babvies Forr Yiur Bagies Fo Yiour Bagbies For Yoiur Babgies
Fod Youur Banies Fodr Yor Banbies Ford Yoru Babnies Fo4 Yohr Bahies Fo4r Yohur Bahbies For4 Youhr Babhies Fog Yo7r Babiies
Fogr Yo7ur Babes Forg You7r Babeis Fot Yokr Babjes Fotr Babjies Fort Youkr Babijes Fo5 Yoir Bab9es Fo5r Bab9ies
For5 Youir Babi9es

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