Simple Plan
Crash And Burn

One more day before you go
We'll stay up late for one more show
Grab the keys, we're going out
We're leaving home
And we won't come back again
We're friends 'till the end
We'll take on the world
We just don't care at all

I never wanted to believe
That you could lie
That friends decieve
But here I stand, I'm still the same
I watched your change, you won't come back

I wonder what it's like to be like you
(I wonder what it's like to be like you)
To never really care how bad it hurts
(To never really care how bad it hurts)
So go ahead and lie and keep moving on
It's all about yourself
And your never wrong
I'll watch you crash and burn

The day is gone, it's cold out
I walk alone as you fade out
I don't know why I'm reaching out
And now I know you won't come back

I wonder what it's like to be like you
(I wonder what it's like to be like you)
To never really care how bad it hurts
(To never really care how bad it hurts)
So go ahead and lie and keep moving on
It's all about yourself
And your never wrong
I'll watch you crash and burn

Do you remember the days
Way back when we used to say
Nothing can change us, no one will stop us
I'll never be like you

I'll watch you crash and burn
(Your never wrong and you keep moving on)
I'll watch you crash and burn
(Your never wrong and you keep moving on)
I'll watch you crash and burn
(Your never wrong and you keep moving on)
I'll watch you crash and burn
(Your never wrong and you keep moving on)

Mirror lyrics:

(Your never wrong and you keep moving on)
I'll watch you crash and burn
(Your never wrong and you keep moving on)
I'll watch you crash and burn
(Your never wrong and you keep moving on)
I'll watch you crash and burn
(Your never wrong and you keep moving on)
I'll watch you crash and burn

I'll never be like you
Nothing can change us, no one will stop us
Way back when we used to say
Do you remember the days

I'll watch you crash and burn
And your never wrong
It's all about yourself
So go ahead and lie and keep moving on
(To never really care how bad it hurts)
To never really care how bad it hurts
(I wonder what it's like to be like you)
I wonder what it's like to be like you

And now I know you won't come back
I don't know why I'm reaching out
I walk alone as you fade out
The day is gone, it's cold out

I'll watch you crash and burn
And your never wrong
It's all about yourself
So go ahead and lie and keep moving on
(To never really care how bad it hurts)
To never really care how bad it hurts
(I wonder what it's like to be like you)
I wonder what it's like to be like you

I watched your change, you won't come back
But here I stand, I'm still the same
That friends decieve
That you could lie
I never wanted to believe

We just don't care at all
We'll take on the world
We're friends 'till the end
And we won't come back again
We're leaving home
Grab the keys, we're going out
We'll stay up late for one more show
One more day before you go

Relevant Tags:
CCrash AAnd BBurn rash nd urn rCash nAd uBrn frash znd vurn fCrash zAnd vBurn Cfrash Aznd Bvurn xrash qnd gurn xCrash qAnd gBurn
Cxrash Aqnd Bgurn vrash snd nurn vCrash sAnd nBurn Cvrash Asnd Bnurn drash wnd hurn dCrash wAnd hBurn Cdrash Awnd Bhurn Crrash xnd Buurn
Cash xAnd Brn Carsh Axnd Brun Cdash Annd Bhrn Ad Crdash Adn Buhrn C4ash Amd B7rn C4rash Amnd B7urn Cr4ash Anmd Bu7rn
Cgash Ahd Bkrn Cgrash Ahnd Bkurn Crgash Anhd Bukrn Ctash Ajd Birn Ctrash Ajnd Biurn Crtash Anjd Buirn C5ash Abd B8rn C5rash Abnd B8urn
Cr5ash Anbd Bu8rn Cfash Andd Bjrn An Bjurn Crfash And Bujrn Ceash Anx Byrn Cerash Anxd Byurn Creash Andx Buyrn Craash Ane Burrn
Crsh Aned Bun Crsah Ande Bunr Crzsh Anf Budn Crzash Anfd Budrn Crazsh Andf Burdn Crqsh Anr Bu4n

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