Seventh Day Slumber
Picking Up The Peices

Open my eyes, my life is scattered on the floor
I walked away from you so long that I could not hear your voice.
Oh my tears that I cried I left them laying on your heart
And now I'm here with you again, can we pick up from the start.

Chorus: All I have and all I need is everything You gave to me
I bitter way so now I'm picking up the paices once again.

I'm falling to my knees that is where I saw Your hand
I've been here way too many times,
I can't belive You'd take me back
And all the tears that I've cried,
Never touched the ground and
Now I'm here with what is left
Will You build me up again?


(Musical interlude)


Mirror lyrics:


(Musical interlude)


Will You build me up again?
Now I'm here with what is left
Never touched the ground and
And all the tears that I've cried,
I can't belive You'd take me back
I've been here way too many times,
I'm falling to my knees that is where I saw Your hand

I bitter way so now I'm picking up the paices once again.
Chorus: All I have and all I need is everything You gave to me

And now I'm here with you again, can we pick up from the start.
Oh my tears that I cried I left them laying on your heart
I walked away from you so long that I could not hear your voice.
Open my eyes, my life is scattered on the floor

Relevant Tags:
PPicking UUp TThe PPeices icking p he eices iPcking pU hTe ePices 0icking hp fhe 0eices 0Picking hUp fThe 0Peices P0icking Uhp Tfhe P0eices
licking 7p 5he leices lPicking 7Up 5The lPeices Plicking U7p T5he Pleices oicking kp hhe oeices oPicking kUp hThe oPeices Poicking Ukp Thhe Poeices
Piicking ip yhe Peeices Pcking iUp yThe Pices Pciking Uip Tyhe Pieces Pjcking 8p 6he Psices Pjicking 8Up 6The Pseices Pijcking U8p T6he Pesices
P9cking jp ghe P3ices P9icking jUp gThe P3eices Pi9cking Ujp Tghe Pe3ices Plcking yp rhe Pfices yUp rThe Pfeices Pilcking Uyp Trhe Pefices
Pocking Upp Prices U Te Preices Piocking Up Teh Perices Pkcking U0 Tje P4ices Pkicking U0p Tjhe P4eices Pikcking Up0 Thje Pe4ices
P8cking Ul Tue Pdices P8icking Ulp Tuhe Pdeices Pi8cking Upl Thue Pedices Pucking Uo Tne Pwices Puicking Uop Tnhe Pweices Piucking Upo Thne Pewices
Piccking Tbe Peiices Piking Tbhe Peces Pikcing Thbe Pecies Pifking Tge Pejces Pifcking Pejices Picfking Thge Peijces
Pixking Tye Pe9ces Pixcking Pe9ices Picxking Thye Pei9ces Pivking Thee Pelces Pivcking Th Pelices Picvking The Peilces
Pidking Ths Peoces Pidcking Thse Peoices Picdking Thes Peioces Pickking Th3 Pekces Picing Th3e Pekices Picikng The3 Peikces
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