Seven Places
Along The Way

would You ever want to walk with me?
would You ever want to talk with me today?
would You ever think with me and
stop to ponder life along the way?
and I know it's going to be alright
the sun will rise and I'll be walking on
and I say the wind will blow wherever it wants
but I'll be holding on
You woke me up at five am to pull me up
to where You are, now I'm here with You
the world is coming into view
and I can see Your thoughts right now
It's going to be alright
the sun will rise and I'll be walking on
and I say the wind will blow wherever it wants
but I'll be holding on
don't fear the wind, don't fear the waves
He's stronger,
never fear the night, never fear the days
He's brighter

Mirror lyrics:

He's brighter
never fear the night, never fear the days
He's stronger,
don't fear the wind, don't fear the waves
but I'll be holding on
and I say the wind will blow wherever it wants
the sun will rise and I'll be walking on
It's going to be alright
and I can see Your thoughts right now
the world is coming into view
to where You are, now I'm here with You
You woke me up at five am to pull me up
but I'll be holding on
and I say the wind will blow wherever it wants
the sun will rise and I'll be walking on
and I know it's going to be alright
stop to ponder life along the way?
would You ever think with me and
would You ever want to talk with me today?
would You ever want to walk with me?

Relevant Tags:
AAlong TThe WWay long he ay lAong hTe aWy zlong fhe aay zAlong fThe aWay Azlong Tfhe Waay qlong 5he 3ay qAlong 5The 3Way Aqlong T5he W3ay
slong hhe day sAlong hThe dWay Aslong Thhe Wday wlong yhe eay wAlong yThe eWay Awlong Tyhe Weay xlong 6he say xAlong 6The sWay Axlong T6he Wsay
Allong ghe 2ay Aong gThe 2Way Aolng Tghe W2ay Akong rhe qay Aklong rThe qWay Alkong Trhe Wqay Aoong Aolong Te Wy Aloong Teh Wya
Apong Tje Wzy Aplong Tjhe Wzay Alpong Thje Wazy Tue Wqy Alng Tuhe Alnog Thue Waqy Alkng Tne Wsy Tnhe Alokng Thne Wasy
Al9ng Tbe Wwy Al9ong Tbhe Wway Alo9ng Thbe Wawy Al0ng Tge Wxy

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