Seven Mary Three
You Think Too Much

When there's a ship going down
For every move you make
And a hum in your head
That's keeping you awake
You're a high school heart
Who's never satisfied
Kissing complicated ways to die

We live in tunnels under pressure
Are we undermined
Keep your name on your shirt
And enemies inside
Moving closer into focus
Can you see the cracks
I know just how bad
You want it back

Hey, look at you now
You're like a flower growing up
From a concrete box
Through the bottom of a plastic cup
Of wishes you had
Keep your head up
Because it's never as bad as
You think, you think,
You think too much
You think, you think
You think too much

Does every laugh seem to die
In your gravity
Turns to dust
Do you sing a song
Good song in your sleep
All the anxiousness and worry
In your shoulders tied
I know what you'd do
With that tonight

Hey, look at you now
You're like a flower growing up
From a concrete box
Through the bottom of a plastic cup
Of wishes you had
Keep your head up
Because it's never as bad

As you might think about
This road it winds
It keeps on rolling out
If you'd have paid my shade
Believe you'd feel
Pavement giving out
Everything we hide
Is a little light inside

Hey, look at you now
You're like a flower growing up
From a concrete box
Through the bottom of a plastic cup
Of wishes you had
Keep your head up
Because it's never as bad as you think

Hey, look at you now
You're like a flower growing up
From a concrete box
Through the bottom of a plastic cup
Of wishes you had
Keep your head up
Because it's never as bad
As you think

Mirror lyrics:

As you think
Because it's never as bad
Keep your head up
Of wishes you had
Through the bottom of a plastic cup
From a concrete box
You're like a flower growing up
Hey, look at you now

Because it's never as bad as you think
Keep your head up
Of wishes you had
Through the bottom of a plastic cup
From a concrete box
You're like a flower growing up
Hey, look at you now

Is a little light inside
Everything we hide
Pavement giving out
Believe you'd feel
If you'd have paid my shade
It keeps on rolling out
This road it winds
As you might think about

Because it's never as bad
Keep your head up
Of wishes you had
Through the bottom of a plastic cup
From a concrete box
You're like a flower growing up
Hey, look at you now

With that tonight
I know what you'd do
In your shoulders tied
All the anxiousness and worry
Good song in your sleep
Do you sing a song
Turns to dust
In your gravity
Does every laugh seem to die

You think too much
You think, you think
You think too much
You think, you think,
Because it's never as bad as
Keep your head up
Of wishes you had
Through the bottom of a plastic cup
From a concrete box
You're like a flower growing up
Hey, look at you now

You want it back
I know just how bad
Can you see the cracks
Moving closer into focus
And enemies inside
Keep your name on your shirt
Are we undermined
We live in tunnels under pressure

Kissing complicated ways to die
Who's never satisfied
You're a high school heart
That's keeping you awake
And a hum in your head
For every move you make
When there's a ship going down

Relevant Tags:
YYou TThink TToo MMuch ou hink oo uch oYu hTink oTo uMch gou fhink foo juch gYou fThink fToo jMuch Ygou Tfhink Tfoo Mjuch
hou 5hink 5oo kuch hYou 5Think 5Too kMuch Yhou T5hink T5oo Mkuch 6ou hhink hoo nuch 6You hThink hToo nMuch Y6ou Thhink Thoo Mnuch
uou yhink yoo Muuch uYou yThink yToo Mch Yuou Tyhink Tyoo Mcuh 7ou 6hink 6oo Mhch 7You 6Think 6Too Mhuch Y7ou T6hink T6oo Muhch
jou ghink goo M7ch jYou gThink gToo M7uch Yjou Tghink Tgoo Mu7ch tou rhink roo Mkch tYou rThink rToo Ytou Trhink Troo Mukch
Yoou Tooo Mich Yu Tink To Miuch Yuo Tihnk Too Muich Yku Tjink Tko M8ch Ykou Tjhink Tkoo M8uch Yoku Thjink Toko Mu8ch
Y9u Tuink T9o Mjch Y9ou Tuhink T9oo Yo9u Thuink To9o Mujch Y0u Tnink T0o Mych Y0ou Tnhink T0oo Myuch Yo0u Thnink To0o Muych
Ylu Tbink Tlo Mucch Ylou Tbhink Tloo Muh Yolu Thbink Tolo Muhc Yiu Tgink Tio Mufh Yiou Tioo Mufch Yoiu Thgink Toio Mucfh
Youu Tyink Muxh Yo Muxch You Thyink Mucxh Yoh Thiink Tok Muvh Yohu Thnk Muvch

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