Set Your Goals
With Hoffman Lenses We Will See The Truth

Our instincts are being re-routed,
We are existing in an artificially created state of being,
The lower classes and the poor are growing,
Civil rights and racial equality are non-existent,
They have created an oppressive nation and culture,
And we have been none the wiser,
That is their primary means of prosperity:
keep us asleep, keep us greedy,
keep us numb

Mirror lyrics:

keep us numb
keep us asleep, keep us greedy,
That is their primary means of prosperity:
And we have been none the wiser,
They have created an oppressive nation and culture,
Civil rights and racial equality are non-existent,
The lower classes and the poor are growing,
We are existing in an artificially created state of being,
Our instincts are being re-routed,

Relevant Tags:
WWith HHoffman LLenses WWe WWill SSee TThe TTruth ith offman enses e ill ee he ruth iWth oHffman eLnses eW iWll eSe hTe rTuth
aith joffman kenses ae aill zee fhe fruth aWith jHoffman kLenses aWe aWill zSee fThe fTruth Waith Hjoffman Lkenses Wae Waill Szee Tfhe Tfruth
3ith uoffman oenses 3e 3ill wee 5he 5ruth 3With uHoffman oLenses 3We 3Will wSee 5The 5Truth W3ith Huoffman Loenses W3e W3ill Swee T5he T5ruth
dith noffman penses de dill dee hhe hruth dWith nHoffman pLenses dWe dWill dSee hThe hTruth Wdith Hnoffman Lpenses Wde Wdill Sdee Thhe Thruth
eith boffman Leenses ee eill eee yhe yruth eWith bHoffman Lnses eWe eWill eSee yThe yTruth Weith Hboffman Lneses Wee Weill Seee Tyhe Tyruth
sith goffman Lsnses se sill xee 6he 6ruth sWith gHoffman Lsenses sWe sWill xSee 6The 6Truth Wsith Hgoffman Lesnses Wse Wsill Sxee T6he T6ruth
2ith yoffman L3nses 2e 2ill aee ghe gruth 2With yHoffman L3enses 2We 2Will aSee gThe gTruth W2ith Hyoffman Le3nses W2e W2ill Saee Tghe Tgruth
qith Hooffman Lfnses qe qill rhe rruth qWith Hffman Lfenses qWe qWill Se rThe rTruth Wqith Hfofman Lefnses Wqe Wqill See Trhe Trruth
Wiith Hkffman Lrnses Wiill Sse Wth Hkoffman Lrenses W Wll Ssee Te Tuth Wtih Hokffman Lernses We Wlil Sese Teh Turth
Wjth H9ffman L4nses Ws Wjll S3e Tje Tduth Wjith H9offman L4enses Wjill S3ee Tjhe Tdruth Wijth Ho9ffman Le4nses Wes Wijll Se3e Thje Trduth
W9th H0ffman Ldnses W3 W9ll Sfe Tue T4uth W9ith H0offman Ldenses W9ill Sfee Tuhe T4ruth Wi9th Ho0ffman Lednses We3 Wi9ll Sefe Thue Tr4uth
Wlth Hlffman Lwnses Wf Wlll Sre Tne Tguth Wlith Hloffman Lwenses Wfe Wlill Sree Tnhe Wilth Holffman Lewnses Wef Willl Sere Thne Trguth
Woth Hiffman Lennses Wr Woll S4e Tbe Ttuth Woith Hioffman Leses Wre Woill S4ee Tbhe Ttruth Wioth Hoiffman Lesnes Wer Wioll Se4e Thbe Trtuth
Wkth Hofffman Lemses W4 Wkll Sde Tge T5uth Wkith Hofman Lemnses W4e Wkill Wikth Hoffman Lenmses We4 Wikll Sede Thge Tr5uth
W8th Hocfman Lehses Wd W8ll Swe Tye Tfuth W8ith Hocffman Lehnses W8ill Wi8th Hofcfman Lenhses Wed Wi8ll Sewe Thye Trfuth
Wuth Horfman Lejses Ww Wull Thee Teuth Wuith Horffman Lejnses Wwe Wuill Th Teruth Wiuth Hofrfman Lenjses Wew Wiull The Treuth
Witth Hogfman Lebses Ses Ths Truuth Wih Hogffman Lebnses Wil Thse Trth Wiht Hofgfman Lenbses Will Sees Thes Trtuh
Wifh Hotfman Lensses Wikl Se3 Th3 Trhth Wifth Hotffman Lenes Th3e Trhuth Witfh Hoftfman Leness Wilkl See3 The3 Truhth
Wi5h Hovfman Lenzes Wiol Sef Thf Tr7th Wi5th Hovffman Lenzses Thfe Tr7uth Wit5h Hofvfman Lenszes Wilol Seef Thef Tru7th
Wihh Hodfman Lenwes Wipl Ser Thr Trkth Wihth Hodffman Lenwses Wipll Thre Trkuth

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