Serj Tankian

love that you bring, it brings me along.
the pain that you give, gives me a home.
do you wanna stay by my side, do you want me to turn and hide.
we are disappearing inside,
seeing pictures of our good bye's.
we, we believe, that love will survive.
the pain that you bring, brings me along.

do you love me, do you hate me; do you wanna to believe me.
do you think that you don't need me do you wanna to deceive me.
I can't take that it's all over; don't want to forget.
I can't take this disappointment, yet I'm the one under pressure.
Goodbye, goodbye. This night is wonderful.
This dream will exceed that goodbyes aren't for long.
Please follow me to the corners of destiny.
I don't want to break from your side.
Please follow me to the corners of destiny.
I don't want to break from your side.
The falling ground screams goodbye.Goodbye,Goodbye,Goodbye,Goodbye
please let me see that goodbye's aren't for long...

Mirror lyrics:

please let me see that goodbye's aren't for long...
The falling ground screams goodbye.Goodbye,Goodbye,Goodbye,Goodbye
I don't want to break from your side.
Please follow me to the corners of destiny.
I don't want to break from your side.
Please follow me to the corners of destiny.
This dream will exceed that goodbyes aren't for long.
Goodbye, goodbye. This night is wonderful.
I can't take this disappointment, yet I'm the one under pressure.
I can't take that it's all over; don't want to forget.
do you think that you don't need me do you wanna to deceive me.
do you love me, do you hate me; do you wanna to believe me.

the pain that you bring, brings me along.
we, we believe, that love will survive.
seeing pictures of our good bye's.
we are disappearing inside,
do you wanna stay by my side, do you want me to turn and hide.
the pain that you give, gives me a home.
love that you bring, it brings me along.

Relevant Tags:
GGoodbye oodbye oGodbye hoodbye hGoodbye Ghoodbye yoodbye yGoodbye Gyoodbye boodbye bGoodbye
Gboodbye voodbye vGoodbye Gvoodbye foodbye fGoodbye Gfoodbye toodbye tGoodbye Gtoodbye Gooodbye
Godbye Goodbye Gkodbye Gkoodbye Gokodbye G9odbye G9oodbye Go9odbye G0odbye G0oodbye Go0odbye
Glodbye Gloodbye Golodbye Giodbye Gioodbye Goiodbye Godobye Gokdbye Gookdbye Go9dbye Goo9dbye
Go0dbye Goo0dbye Goldbye Gooldbye Goidbye Gooidbye Gooddbye Goobye Goobdye Gooxbye Gooxdbye
Goodxbye Gooebye Gooedbye Goodebye

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