Shane Barnard
Waging War

It haunts me so
This gloomy weight
That comes and goes
Without a trace
A thousand times my flesh embrace
A thousand more but if for grace

To see the Lord the promise land
Where in all sins pearly gates look bland
And what was once a pearl now sand
That blows away in light of Him

When battle lines become unclear
And the waging war is all I hear
Lord, sustain me with Your voice
and the choice to walk in truth

That I might see this day
This waging war might go away
and be no more
That I might see his face
And hear Him say
Son welcome home
The war is over

To see the Lord, the promise land
Where in all sins pearly gates look bland
And what was once a pearl now sand
That blows away
That blows away
That blows away in light of Him
Oh go away
Go away
Go away in light of Him
Blow away, o waging war of sin

Phil. 3:7-8

Mirror lyrics:

Phil. 3:7-8

Blow away, o waging war of sin
Go away in light of Him
Go away
Oh go away
That blows away in light of Him
That blows away
That blows away
And what was once a pearl now sand
Where in all sins pearly gates look bland
To see the Lord, the promise land

The war is over
Son welcome home
And hear Him say
That I might see his face
and be no more
This waging war might go away
That I might see this day

and the choice to walk in truth
Lord, sustain me with Your voice
And the waging war is all I hear
When battle lines become unclear

That blows away in light of Him
And what was once a pearl now sand
Where in all sins pearly gates look bland
To see the Lord the promise land

A thousand more but if for grace
A thousand times my flesh embrace
Without a trace
That comes and goes
This gloomy weight
It haunts me so

Relevant Tags:
WWaging WWar aging ar aWging aWr aaging aar aWaging aWar Waaging Waar 3aging 3ar 3Waging 3War W3aging W3ar daging dar dWaging dWar
Wdaging Wdar eaging ear eWaging eWar Weaging Wear saging sar sWaging sWar Wsaging Wsar 2aging 2ar 2Waging 2War W2aging W2ar qaging qar
qWaging qWar Wqaging Wqar Wging Wr Wgaing Wra Wzging Wzr Wzaging Wzar Wazging Wazr Wqging Wqr Waqging Waqr Wsging Wsr Wasging Wasr
Wwging Wwr Wwaging Wwar Wawging Wawr Wxging Wxr Wxaging Wxar Waxging Waxr Wagging Warr Waing Wa Waigng War Wahing Wad Wahging Wadr
Waghing Ward Waying Wa4 Wayging Wa4r Wagying War4 Wabing Wag Wabging Wagr Wagbing Warg Waving Wat Wavging Watr Wagving Wart Wafing Wa5
Wafging Wa5r

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