Shane Barnard
Chapter One

Stir my affection
Stir my affection
Stir my affection for You
For You're my only hope

You Yeshua
Explained the way He moves
As just an ordinary man
Then again, You're the first, Jesus
And by Your hand we move
You're the image of the invisible God
You are God, You are God

Bring fascination
Bring fascination
Bring fascination of You
For You're my only hope

Mirror lyrics:

For You're my only hope
Bring fascination of You
Bring fascination
Bring fascination

You are God, You are God
You're the image of the invisible God
And by Your hand we move
Then again, You're the first, Jesus
As just an ordinary man
Explained the way He moves
You Yeshua

For You're my only hope
Stir my affection for You
Stir my affection
Stir my affection

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