How'd You get that shade of green?
awesome, splendor, majesty!
where'd You find the notes to play?
glory and honor to Your name!
my life, but a grain of sand
Your life, so worthy of...!
how amazing is a 737 taking off
laying down all of me
that i might rejoice in all of You, Holy view
all that is beautiful
all creation bow to the majesty of God
every knee shall bow, and i will bow, and we will bow
every knee shall bow, and i will bow, and we will bow
all creation bow to the majesty of God
all that is beautiful
that i might rejoice in all of You, Holy view
laying down all of me
how amazing is a 737 taking off
Your life, so worthy of...!
my life, but a grain of sand
glory and honor to Your name!
where'd You find the notes to play?
awesome, splendor, majesty!
How'd You get that shade of green?
7737 |
| 37 |
| 377 |
| 837 |
| 8737 |
| 7837 |
| y37 |
| y737 |
| 7y37 |
| u37 |
| u737 |
7u37 |
| 637 |
| 6737 |
| 7637 |
| 7337 |
| 77 |
| 773 |
| 747 |
| 7437 |
| 7347 |
| 7w7 |
7w37 |