Shane Barnard
Barren Land

barren land can overflow with
life and fruit and fields that grow
in the barren land with labor and toil
planting seed and tilling soil
will stay the same, stay the same

but if for rain! but if for rain!
but if for rain to fall, irresistibly call
rain to cover me
but if for rain to heal, uncontrollably fill
the soil of eternity

and barren land will overflow with
life and fruit and fields that grow

Holy Spirit spur me to till
a once barren land so thirsty still
for living water, O God, sustains
so life and fruit and fields remain
lest they stay the same, stay the same

(hebrews 6:1-3, john 5:39; 6:44, ephesians 2:8-10, psalm 119:73)

Mirror lyrics:

(hebrews 6:1-3, john 5:39; 6:44, ephesians 2:8-10, psalm 119:73)

lest they stay the same, stay the same
so life and fruit and fields remain
for living water, O God, sustains
a once barren land so thirsty still
Holy Spirit spur me to till

life and fruit and fields that grow
and barren land will overflow with

the soil of eternity
but if for rain to heal, uncontrollably fill
rain to cover me
but if for rain to fall, irresistibly call
but if for rain! but if for rain!

will stay the same, stay the same
planting seed and tilling soil
in the barren land with labor and toil
life and fruit and fields that grow
barren land can overflow with

Relevant Tags:
BBarren LLand arren and aBrren aLnd varren kand vBarren kLand Bvarren Lkand garren oand gBarren oLand Bgarren Loand narren pand
nBarren pLand Bnarren Lpand harren Laand hBarren Lnd Bharren Lnad Baarren Lznd Brren Lzand Braren Laznd Bzrren Lqnd Bzarren Lqand
Bazrren Laqnd Bqrren Lsnd Bqarren Lsand Baqrren Lasnd Bsrren Lwnd Bsarren Lwand Basrren Lawnd Bwrren Lxnd Bwarren Lxand Bawrren Laxnd
Bxrren Lannd Bxarren Lad Baxrren Ladn Barrren Lamd Baren Lamnd Barren Lanmd Badren Lahd Badrren Lahnd Bardren Lanhd Ba4ren Lajd
Ba4rren Lajnd Bar4ren Lanjd Bagren Labd Bagrren Labnd Bargren Lanbd Batren Landd Batrren Lan Bartren Land Ba5ren Lanx Ba5rren Lanxd
Bar5ren Landx Bafren Lane Bafrren Laned

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