Sham 69
Borstal Breakout

I'm sitting in this cell for something I didn't do
And all I can think of is baby I think of you
Don't worry baby coming back for you

There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout

Now I've got the chance I don't care about what I do
When I done them things I done them just for you
And now I'm getting out coming back for you

There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout

Well now I'm over the wall I'm nearly home
I'm coming through that door coming back to you
Now I'm nearly home nearly back for you

There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout

Mirror lyrics:

There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout

Now I'm nearly home nearly back for you
I'm coming through that door coming back to you
Well now I'm over the wall I'm nearly home

There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout

And now I'm getting out coming back for you
When I done them things I done them just for you
Now I've got the chance I don't care about what I do

There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout
There's gonna be a borstal breakout

Don't worry baby coming back for you
And all I can think of is baby I think of you
I'm sitting in this cell for something I didn't do

Relevant Tags:
BBorstal BBreakout orstal reakout oBrstal rBeakout vorstal vreakout vBorstal vBreakout Bvorstal Bvreakout gorstal greakout
gBorstal gBreakout Bgorstal Bgreakout norstal nreakout nBorstal nBreakout Bnorstal Bnreakout horstal hreakout hBorstal hBreakout
Bhorstal Bhreakout Boorstal Brreakout Brstal Beakout Brostal Berakout Bkrstal Bdeakout Bkorstal Bdreakout Bokrstal Brdeakout
B9rstal B4eakout B9orstal B4reakout Bo9rstal Br4eakout B0rstal Bgeakout B0orstal Bo0rstal Brgeakout Blrstal Bteakout
Blorstal Btreakout Bolrstal Brteakout Birstal B5eakout Biorstal B5reakout Boirstal Br5eakout Borrstal Bfeakout Bostal Bfreakout
Bosrtal Brfeakout Bodstal Beeakout Bodrstal Bereakout Bordstal Breeakout Bo4stal Bo4rstal Brakout Bor4stal Braekout
Bogstal Brsakout Bogrstal Brseakout Borgstal Bresakout Botstal Br3akout Botrstal Br3eakout Bortstal Bre3akout Bo5stal Brfakout
Bo5rstal Bor5stal Brefakout Bofstal Brrakout Bofrstal Borfstal Brerakout Boestal Br4akout Boerstal
Borestal Bre4akout Borsstal Brdakout Bortal Bortsal Bredakout Borztal Brwakout Borzstal Brweakout Borsztal Brewakout
Borwtal Breaakout Borwstal Brekout Borswtal Brekaout Bordtal Brezkout Brezakout Borsdtal Breazkout Boretal Breqkout
Breqakout Borsetal Breaqkout Borxtal Breskout Borxstal Borsxtal Breaskout

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