Septic Flesh
Ophidian Wheel

Where the crossroads meet is the axle
Of the grand wheel
The heart that reverberates my beat
I wear the talisman of Thoth
The sign of our unity
Because it has a part of the universe
A part of me
And my love is strong because nothing can divide
Me from the object of my ultimate affection
The ophidian wheel
When the moon steals the crown from its rival
Night enters day. Bring forth the eclipse
The schism that reconstructs my lucid kingdom
And all my children by their birth right
Wear proudly my crown, my horns of power
And those who sense my circle thoughts are all witnesses

Mirror lyrics:

And those who sense my circle thoughts are all witnesses
Wear proudly my crown, my horns of power
And all my children by their birth right
The schism that reconstructs my lucid kingdom
Night enters day. Bring forth the eclipse
When the moon steals the crown from its rival
The ophidian wheel
Me from the object of my ultimate affection
And my love is strong because nothing can divide
A part of me
Because it has a part of the universe
The sign of our unity
I wear the talisman of Thoth
The heart that reverberates my beat
Of the grand wheel
Where the crossroads meet is the axle

Relevant Tags:
OOphidian WWheel phidian heel pOhidian hWeel kphidian aheel kOphidian aWheel Okphidian Waheel 9phidian 3heel 9Ophidian 3Wheel
O9phidian W3heel 0phidian dheel 0Ophidian dWheel O0phidian Wdheel lphidian eheel lOphidian eWheel Olphidian Weheel iphidian sheel
iOphidian sWheel Oiphidian Wsheel Opphidian 2heel Ohidian 2Wheel Ohpidian W2heel O0hidian qheel qWheel Op0hidian Wqheel
Olhidian Whheel Weel Oplhidian Wehel Oohidian Wjeel Oophidian Wjheel Opohidian Whjeel Ophhidian Wueel Opidian Wuheel
Opihdian Whueel Opjidian Wneel Opjhidian Wnheel Ophjidian Whneel Opuidian Wbeel Opuhidian Wbheel Ophuidian Whbeel Opnidian Wgeel
Opnhidian Wgheel Ophnidian Whgeel Opbidian Wyeel Opbhidian Wyheel Ophbidian Whyeel Opgidian Wheeel Opghidian Whel Ophgidian Wheel
Opyidian Whsel Opyhidian Whseel Ophyidian Whesel Ophiidian Wh3el Ophdian Wh3eel Ophdiian Whe3el Ophjdian Whfel Whfeel
Ophijdian Whefel Oph9dian Whrel Oph9idian Whreel Ophi9dian Wherel Ophldian Wh4el Ophlidian Wh4eel Ophildian Whe4el Ophodian Whdel
Ophoidian Whdeel Ophiodian Whedel Ophkdian Whwel Ophkidian Whweel Ophikdian Whewel Oph8dian Oph8idian Ophi8dian Whele
Ophudian Whesl Ophiudian Wheesl

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