Oh mother, sure it makes you cry
To see your only son like this
… wherever you may be these days
It has been a year now that i can find no sleep
No matter what I try I fail
So I can see precisely how my body fades away
A skeleton to anyone, a symbol of decay
I live in hell
There's no other words for this place
I cannot tell
What turned my life into this maze — I'm left alone
On the whole
A derelict is what I am
A fallen soul
A wandering shadow of a man losing his mind
The ones who are against me, I fear them all around
What have I done, what is their plan
Is it just paranoia, I don't know what's going on
A victim of conspiracy or haunted by a phantom?
I live in hell
There's no other words for this place
I cannot tell
What turned my life into this maze — I'm left alone
On the whole
A derelict is what I am
A fallen soul
A wandering shadow of a man losing his mind
A wandering shadow of a man losing his mind
A fallen soul
A derelict is what I am
On the whole
What turned my life into this maze — I'm left alone
I cannot tell
There's no other words for this place
I live in hell
A victim of conspiracy or haunted by a phantom?
Is it just paranoia, I don't know what's going on
What have I done, what is their plan
The ones who are against me, I fear them all around
A wandering shadow of a man losing his mind
A fallen soul
A derelict is what I am
On the whole
What turned my life into this maze — I'm left alone
I cannot tell
There's no other words for this place
I live in hell
A skeleton to anyone, a symbol of decay
So I can see precisely how my body fades away
No matter what I try I fail
It has been a year now that i can find no sleep
… wherever you may be these days
To see your only son like this
Oh mother, sure it makes you cry
DDerelict |
| erelict |
| eDrelict |
| xerelict |
| xDerelict |
| Dxerelict |
| eerelict |
| eDerelict |
| Deerelict |
| ferelict |
| fDerelict |
Dferelict |
| rerelict |
| rDerelict |
| Drerelict |
| cerelict |
| cDerelict |
| Dcerelict |
| serelict |
| sDerelict |
| Dserelict |
| Drelict |
Dreelict |
| Dsrelict |
| Desrelict |
| D3relict |
| D3erelict |
| De3relict |
| Dfrelict |
| Defrelict |
| Drrelict |
| Derrelict |
| D4relict |
D4erelict |
| De4relict |
| Ddrelict |
| Dderelict |
| Dedrelict |
| Dwrelict |
| Dwerelict |
| Dewrelict |
| Deelict |
| Deerlict |
| Dedelict |
Derdelict |
| De4elict |
| Der4elict |
| Degelict |
| Degrelict |
| Dergelict |
| Detelict |
| Detrelict |
| Dertelict |
| De5elict |
| De5relict |
Der5elict |
| Defelict |
| Derfelict |
| Deeelict |
| Dereelict |
| Derlict |
| Derleict |
| Derslict |
| Derselict |
| Dereslict |