Waiting Round For God

You been living your life
Getting what you're after
Knowing you're not alone

If you cover you eyes
The world moves faster
We won't be here for long

And the lucky ones that make no sound
Until the cash machine's start breaking down
While the lunatics are waiting round for god

Head in the sky
The stars that you run round
Brightest before they fall

Bringing all our cities alight
For the final meltdown
It's only natural

And the lucky ones that make no sound
Until the cash machine's start breaking down
While the lunatics are waiting round for god

It's funny how we grow
No more, no less we know

It's funny how we grow
No more, no less we know

It's funny how we grow
No more, no less we know

It's funny how we grow
No more, no less we know

Mirror lyrics:

No more, no less we know
It's funny how we grow

No more, no less we know
It's funny how we grow

No more, no less we know
It's funny how we grow

No more, no less we know
It's funny how we grow

While the lunatics are waiting round for god
Until the cash machine's start breaking down
And the lucky ones that make no sound

It's only natural
For the final meltdown
Bringing all our cities alight

Brightest before they fall
The stars that you run round
Head in the sky

While the lunatics are waiting round for god
Until the cash machine's start breaking down
And the lucky ones that make no sound

We won't be here for long
The world moves faster
If you cover you eyes

Knowing you're not alone
Getting what you're after
You been living your life

Relevant Tags:
WWaiting RRound FFor GGod aiting ound or od aWiting oRund oFr oGd aaiting dound cor hod aWaiting dRound cFor hGod Waaiting Rdound Fcor Ghod
3aiting 4ound ror yod 3Waiting 4Round rFor yGod W3aiting R4ound Fror Gyod daiting gound gor bod dWaiting gRound gFor bGod Wdaiting Rgound Fgor Gbod
eaiting tound tor vod eWaiting tRound tFor vGod Weaiting Rtound Ftor Gvod saiting 5ound vor fod sWaiting 5Round vFor fGod Wsaiting R5ound Fvor Gfod
2aiting found dor tod 2Waiting fRound dFor tGod W2aiting Rfound Fdor Gtod qaiting eound Foor Good qWaiting eRound Fr Gd Wqaiting Reound Fro Gdo
Roound Fkr Gkd Witing Rund Fkor Gkod Wiating Ruond Fokr Gokd Wziting Rkund F9r G9d Wzaiting Rkound F9or G9od Waziting Rokund Fo9r Go9d
Wqiting R9und F0r G0d R9ound F0or G0od Waqiting Ro9und Fo0r Go0d Wsiting R0und Flr Gld R0ound Flor Glod Wasiting Ro0und Folr Gold
Wwiting Rlund Fir Gid Wwaiting Rlound Fior Giod Wawiting Rolund Foir Goid Wxiting Riund Forr Godd Wxaiting Riound Fo Go Waxiting Roiund For God
Waiiting Rouund Fod Gox Wating Rond Fodr Goxd Watiing Ronud Ford Godx Wajting Rohnd Fo4 Goe Wajiting Rohund Fo4r Goed Waijting Rouhnd For4 Gode
Wa9ting Ro7nd Fog Gof Wa9iting Ro7und Fogr Gofd Wai9ting Rou7nd Forg Godf Walting Roknd Fot Gor Waliting Fotr Gord Wailting Rouknd Fort Godr
Waoting Roind Fo5 Goc Waoiting Fo5r Gocd Waioting Rouind For5 Godc Wakting Ro8nd Fof Gos Wakiting Ro8und Fofr Gosd Waikting Rou8nd Forf Gods
Wa8ting Rojnd Foe Wa8iting Rojund Foer Wai8ting Roujnd Fore Wauting Roynd Wauiting Royund Waiuting Rouynd
Waitting Rounnd Waiing Roud Waiitng Roudn Waifing Roumd Waifting Roumnd Waitfing Rounmd

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