Sheryl Crow
What Does It Matter

Baby, why do they say the things they say
Would it be easier to live the way they say we should
Maybe, cannot but wonder back this way
Yours are the only arms that make me feel like something can be good

I believe it's just a fact of life
Unless they wear our shoes to them it's black and white


Just what does it matter anyway
What side of the road we're standing on
And just what does it matter anyway
If in the long run nothing changes after we are gone
If nothing changes after we are gone

Baby, don't let them rob you of your pride
There's not a thing I wouldn't do to make this easier for you
Maybe, every now and then I laugh and cry
It's getting harder now for me to separate the two

Where does innocence turn in to make believe
Cause make believe there's no one here but me and you


Just what does it matter anyway
What side of the road we're standing on
And just what does it matter anyway
If you throw my love away because the world don't think it's right
And they may never understand
And you can't change the minds of those who are blind
Unless you give them sight
And the world lies in your hand

Tell me, and just what does it matter anyway
If in the long run nothing changes after we are gone
If nothing changes after we are gone

Mirror lyrics:

If nothing changes after we are gone
If in the long run nothing changes after we are gone
Tell me, and just what does it matter anyway

And the world lies in your hand
Unless you give them sight
And you can't change the minds of those who are blind
And they may never understand
If you throw my love away because the world don't think it's right
And just what does it matter anyway
What side of the road we're standing on
Just what does it matter anyway


Cause make believe there's no one here but me and you
Where does innocence turn in to make believe

It's getting harder now for me to separate the two
Maybe, every now and then I laugh and cry
There's not a thing I wouldn't do to make this easier for you
Baby, don't let them rob you of your pride

If nothing changes after we are gone
If in the long run nothing changes after we are gone
And just what does it matter anyway
What side of the road we're standing on
Just what does it matter anyway


Unless they wear our shoes to them it's black and white
I believe it's just a fact of life

Yours are the only arms that make me feel like something can be good
Maybe, cannot but wonder back this way
Would it be easier to live the way they say we should
Baby, why do they say the things they say

Relevant Tags:
WWhat DDoes IIt MMatter hat oes t atter hWat oDes tI aMtter ahat xoes jt jatter aWhat xDoes jIt jMatter Wahat Dxoes Ijt Mjatter
3hat eoes 9t katter 3What eDoes 9It kMatter W3hat Deoes I9t Mkatter dhat foes lt natter dWhat fDoes lIt nMatter Wdhat Dfoes Ilt Mnatter
ehat roes ot Maatter eWhat rDoes oIt Mtter Wehat Droes Iot Mtater shat coes kt Mztter sWhat cDoes kIt Mzatter Wshat Dcoes Ikt Maztter
2hat soes 8t Mqtter 2What sDoes 8It Mqatter W2hat Dsoes I8t Maqtter qhat Dooes ut Mstter qWhat Des uIt Msatter Wqhat Deos Iut Mastter
Whhat Dkes Itt Mwtter Wat Dkoes I Mwatter Waht Dokes It Mawtter Wjat D9es If Mxtter Wjhat D9oes Ift Mxatter Whjat Do9es Itf Maxtter
Wuat D0es I5 Mattter Wuhat D0oes I5t Mater Whuat Do0es It5 Matter Wnat Dles Ih Mafter Wnhat Dloes Iht Maftter Whnat Doles Ith Matfter
Wbat Dies Iy Ma5ter Wbhat Dioes Iyt Ma5tter Whbat Doies Ity Mat5ter Wgat Doees I6 Mahter Wghat Dos I6t Mahtter Whgat Dose It6 Mathter
Wyat Doss Ig Mayter Wyhat Doses Igt Maytter Whyat Doess Itg Matyter Whaat Do3s Ir Ma6ter Wht Do3es Irt Ma6tter Whta Doe3s Itr Mat6ter
Whzt Dofs Magter Whzat Dofes Magtter Whazt Doefs Matgter Whqt Dors Marter Whqat Dores Martter Whaqt Doers Matrter
Whst Do4s

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