Sheryl Crow

Did you ever wake up to find
A day that broke up your mind
Destroyed your notions of circular time

It's just that demon life that got you in its sway
It's just that demon life that got you in its sway

Ain't flinging tears out on the dusty ground
For my friends up on the railway upperbound
Can't stand the feeling getting so brought down
There must be ways to find out
Love is the way they say is really strutting out

One day I woke up to find
Right in the bed next to mine
Someone who broke me up with a corner of her smile

Mirror lyrics:

Someone who broke me up with a corner of her smile
Right in the bed next to mine
One day I woke up to find

Love is the way they say is really strutting out
There must be ways to find out
Can't stand the feeling getting so brought down
For my friends up on the railway upperbound
Ain't flinging tears out on the dusty ground

It's just that demon life that got you in its sway
It's just that demon life that got you in its sway

Destroyed your notions of circular time
A day that broke up your mind
Did you ever wake up to find

Relevant Tags:
SSway way wSay zway zSway Szway wway wSway Swway dway dSway
Sdway eway eSway Seway xway xSway Sxway away aSway Saway Say
Sawy Saay Swaay S3ay S3way Sw3ay Sday Swday Seay Sweay Ssay
Ssway Swsay S2ay

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