Sculpture Garden

Twilight in the sculpture garden
When we walk around the place
Look upon the beautiful secrets
That all the artists' made.

How fast the light has faded
And we still wanna stay
Turn down the noise in the city
The dark downtown parade.

At night they turn the water on around the artworks
In the garden, In the garden.

Midnight in the sculpture garden
Underneath the cherry moon
We can make our own beautiful secret
We can join the fabled few.

Starlight in the sculpture garden
With a stainless steel balloons
Rose petal vermillion breezes
I beieve the artists knew.

At night they turn the water on around the artworks
In the garden, In the garden

Mirror lyrics:

In the garden, In the garden
At night they turn the water on around the artworks

I beieve the artists knew.
Rose petal vermillion breezes
With a stainless steel balloons
Starlight in the sculpture garden

We can join the fabled few.
We can make our own beautiful secret
Underneath the cherry moon
Midnight in the sculpture garden

In the garden, In the garden.
At night they turn the water on around the artworks

The dark downtown parade.
Turn down the noise in the city
And we still wanna stay
How fast the light has faded

That all the artists' made.
Look upon the beautiful secrets
When we walk around the place
Twilight in the sculpture garden

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Seculpture Gvarden xculpture farden xSculpture fGarden Sxculpture Gfarden aculpture tarden aSculpture tGarden Saculpture Gtarden
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Gqarden Scxulpture Gaqrden Svulpture Gsrden Svculpture Gsarden Scvulpture Gasrden Sdulpture Gwrden Gwarden
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Scukpture Garen Sculkpture Garedn Scuopture Garxen Scuolpture Garxden Sculopture Gardxen Scuppture Gareen
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