Aika Multaa Muistot (everything Is Nothing)

Everything is nothing to me, I couldn´t care less
A stern cold man is what I am, hard, relentless
And thought I might have strayed the path I wouldn´t change a thing
I´ve hated life to the fullest yet with longing deep within

For my name is sorrow and I´m a friend of misery
I deprived myself of love for eternal agony
And I don´t even dare to try - I know I can only lose
Between this life I live and nothing I have to choose

Take me home... the one I belong

I´ll see you all go down and witness your demise
I´ll be the last to close, the last to close my eyes
And forgive me nothing for I truly meant it all
- what I´ve said, what I´ve done

Mirror lyrics:

- what I´ve said, what I´ve done
And forgive me nothing for I truly meant it all
I´ll be the last to close, the last to close my eyes
I´ll see you all go down and witness your demise

Heyyy!! the one I belong
Take me home...

Between this life I live and nothing I have to choose
And I don´t even dare to try - I know I can only lose
I deprived myself of love for eternal agony
For my name is sorrow and I´m a friend of misery

I´ve hated life to the fullest yet with longing deep within
And thought I might have strayed the path I wouldn´t change a thing
A stern cold man is what I am, hard, relentless
Everything is nothing to me, I couldn´t care less

Relevant Tags:
AAika MMultaa MMuistot ((everything IIs NNothing) ika ultaa uistot everything s othing) iAka uMltaa uMistot e(verything sI oNthing)
zika jultaa juistot (eeverything js mothing) zAika jMultaa jMuistot (verything jIs mNothing) Azika Mjultaa Mjuistot (veerything Ijs Nmothing)
qika kultaa kuistot (sverything 9s hothing) qAika kMultaa kMuistot (severything 9Is hNothing) Aqika Mkultaa Mkuistot (esverything I9s Nhothing)
sika nultaa nuistot (3verything ls jothing) sAika nMultaa nMuistot (3everything lIs jNothing) Asika Mnultaa Mnuistot (e3verything Ils Njothing)
wika Muultaa Muuistot (fverything os bothing) wAika Mltaa Mistot (feverything oIs bNothing) Awika Mlutaa Miustot (efverything Ios Nbothing)
xika Mhltaa Mhistot (rverything ks Noothing) xAika Mhultaa Mhuistot (reverything kIs Nthing) Axika Muhltaa Muhistot (erverything Iks Ntohing)
Aiika M7ltaa M7istot (4verything 8s Nkthing) Aka M7ultaa M7uistot (4everything 8Is Nkothing) Akia Mu7ltaa Mu7istot (e4verything I8s Nokthing)
Ajka Mkltaa Mkistot (dverything us N9thing) Ajika (deverything uIs N9othing) Aijka Mukltaa Mukistot (edverything Ius No9thing)
A9ka Miltaa Miistot (wverything Iss N0thing) A9ika Miultaa Miuistot (weverything I N0othing) Ai9ka Muiltaa Muiistot (ewverything Is No0thing)
Alka M8ltaa M8istot (evverything Iz Nlthing) Alika M8ultaa M8uistot (eerything Izs Nlothing) Ailka Mu8ltaa Mu8istot (eevrything Isz Nolthing)
Aoka Mjltaa Mjistot (eberything Iw Nithing) Aoika (ebverything Iws Niothing) Aioka Mujltaa Mujistot (evberything Isw Noithing)
Akka Myltaa Myistot (ecerything Id Notthing) Akika Myultaa Myuistot (ecverything Ids Nohing) Aikka Muyltaa Muyistot (evcerything Isd Nohting)
A8ka Mulltaa (egerything Ie Nofhing) A8ika Mutaa Mustot (egverything Ies Nofthing) Ai8ka Mutlaa Musitot (evgerything Ise Notfhing)
Auka Muktaa Mujstot (eferything Ix No5hing) Auika Ixs No5thing) Aiuka Mulktaa Muijstot (evferything Isx Not5hing)
Muotaa Mu9stot (eveerything Ia Nohhing) Aia Muoltaa Mu9istot (evrything Ias Nohthing) Aiak Mulotaa Mui9stot (evreything Isa Nothhing)
Aila Muptaa Mulstot (evsrything Noyhing) Mupltaa Mulistot (evserything Noything) Aikla Mulptaa Muilstot (evesrything Notyhing)
Aioa Multtaa Muostot (ev3rything No6hing) Mulaa Muoistot (ev3erything No6thing) Aikoa Mulata Muiostot (eve3rything Not6hing)
Aima Mulfaa Mukstot (evfrything Noghing) Aimka Mulftaa Nogthing) Aikma Multfaa Muikstot (evefrything Notghing)
Aija Mul5aa Mu8stot (evrrything Norhing) Mul5taa (evrerything Northing) Aikja Mult5aa Mui8stot (everrything Notrhing)
Aiia Mulhaa Muustot (ev4rything Mulhtaa (ev4erything Noting) Aikia Multhaa Muiustot (eve4rything Notihng)
Aikaa Mulyaa Muisstot (evdrything Notjing) Aik Mulytaa Muitot (evderything Notjhing) Aika Multyaa Muitsot (evedrything Nothjing)
Aikz Mul6aa Muiztot (evwrything Notuing) Aikza Mul6taa Muizstot (evwerything Notuhing) Aikaz Mult6aa Muisztot (evewrything Nothuing)
Aikq Mulgaa Muiwtot Notning) Aikqa Mulgtaa Muiwstot (eveything Notnhing) Aikaq Multgaa Muiswtot (eveyrthing Nothning)
Aiks Mulraa Muidtot (evedything Notbing) Aiksa Mulrtaa Muidstot Notbhing) Aikas Multraa Muisdtot (everdything Nothbing)
Aikw Multaaa Muietot (eve4ything Notging) Aikwa Multa Muiestot Aikaw Multaa Muisetot (ever4ything Nothging)
Aikx Multza Muixtot (evegything Notying) Aikxa Multzaa Muixstot (evegrything Aikax Multaza Muisxtot (evergything Nothying)
Multqa Muiatot (evetything Nothiing) Multqaa Muiastot (evetrything Nothng) Multaqa Muisatot (evertything Nothnig)
Multsa Muisttot (eve5ything Nothjng) Multsaa Muisot (eve5rything Multasa Muisott (ever5ything Nothijng)
Multwa Muisfot (evefything Noth9ng) Multwaa Muisftot Noth9ing) Multawa Muistfot (everfything Nothi9ng)
Multxa Muis5ot (eveeything Nothlng) Multxaa Muis5tot Nothling) Multaxa Muist5ot (evereything Nothilng)

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