The End

First time we met
Face became etched
In my mind

You were the sun
I was the one
Who worshiped you
My hands were your guns
Your eyes were my nerve

And I knew you could never love me
I had so much sorrow inside
You could never reach
But can I still keep
A place in your heart

You broke my heart
You promised me the moon and stars
I fell for your dreams, I fell for your lies
There was no other way
You know I tried

And I knew you could never love me
I had so much sorrow inside
You could never reach
But can I still keep
A place in your heart

There is something
I want you to know
I think you know exactly what it is
I didn't want to save you [x2]
I set our house on fire
To watch it burn
But I couldn't just leave you

And I knew you could never love me
I had so much sorrow inside
You could never reach
But I'll ask you this

Will you still miss me?
(Yes I miss you)
Do you love me?
(Yes I love you)

Fate fills the sky
we'll both die tonight [x2]
Hands from the sky
Spot us a one lifeline
As we follow the light

We'll both die tonight [x2]

Spot us a one lifeline
(We'll both die tonight)
As we follow the light
(As we follow the light)

This union, a battle fought and lost
This union was not about the cause
This union was never about love

Mirror lyrics:

This union was never about love
This union was not about the cause
This union, a battle fought and lost

(As we follow the light)
As we follow the light
(We'll both die tonight)
Spot us a one lifeline

We'll both die tonight [x2]

As we follow the light
Spot us a one lifeline
Hands from the sky
we'll both die tonight [x2]
Fate fills the sky

(Yes I love you)
Do you love me?
(Yes I miss you)
Will you still miss me?

But I'll ask you this
You could never reach
I had so much sorrow inside
And I knew you could never love me

But I couldn't just leave you
To watch it burn
I set our house on fire
I didn't want to save you [x2]
I think you know exactly what it is
I want you to know
There is something

A place in your heart
But can I still keep
You could never reach
I had so much sorrow inside
And I knew you could never love me

You know I tried
There was no other way
I fell for your dreams, I fell for your lies
You promised me the moon and stars
You broke my heart

A place in your heart
But can I still keep
You could never reach
I had so much sorrow inside
And I knew you could never love me

Your eyes were my nerve
My hands were your guns
Who worshiped you
I was the one
You were the sun

In my mind
Face became etched
First time we met

Relevant Tags:
TThe EEnd he nd hTe nEd fhe snd fThe sEnd Tfhe Esnd 5he 3nd 5The 3End T5he E3nd hhe fnd hThe fEnd
Thhe Efnd yhe rnd yThe rEnd Tyhe Ernd 6he 4nd 6The 4End T6he E4nd ghe dnd gThe dEnd Tghe Ednd rhe wnd
rThe wEnd Trhe Ewnd Ennd Te Ed Teh Edn Tje Emd Tjhe Emnd Thje Enmd Tue Ehd Tuhe Ehnd Thue Enhd

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