Paranoid (cover Version)

Finished with my woman
'Cause she couldn't help me with my mind
People think i'm insane
Because I am frowning all the time

All day long I think of things
But nothing seems to satisfy
Think I'll lose my mind
If I don't find something to pacify

Can you help me
I want to find my brain

I need someone to show me
The things in life that I can't find
I can't see the things that make true happiness
I must be blind

Make a joke and i will sigh
And you will laugh and I will cry
Happiness, I cannot feel
I'd love to be, it's so unreal

And so as you hear these words
Telling you now of my state
I tell you to enjoy life
I wish i could, but it's too late

Mirror lyrics:

I wish i could, but it's too late
I tell you to enjoy life
Telling you now of my state
And so as you hear these words

I'd love to be, it's so unreal
Happiness, I cannot feel
And you will laugh and I will cry
Make a joke and i will sigh

I must be blind
I can't see the things that make true happiness
The things in life that I can't find
I need someone to show me

I want to find my brain
Can you help me

If I don't find something to pacify
Think I'll lose my mind
But nothing seems to satisfy
All day long I think of things

Because I am frowning all the time
People think i'm insane
'Cause she couldn't help me with my mind
Finished with my woman

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