
I'm just another body down
internal bleeding round & round

and all I can think or are ways to die alone (2#)

A portrait of my skeletal gain
left self-ish & hungry so feed me the pain
escape reality with new pain
then let the cycle start again

and all I can think of are ways to die alone (2#)

Dream of content
a pain filtered farm
all I can say.....

Dreams are bad
when all they do is leave the truth behind
deams are bad
when negativity's a state of mind

Mirror lyrics:

when negativity's a state of mind
deams are bad
when all they do is leave the truth behind
Dreams are bad

all I can say.....
a pain filtered farm
Dream of content

and all I can think of are ways to die alone (2#)

then let the cycle start again
escape reality with new pain
left self-ish & hungry so feed me the pain
A portrait of my skeletal gain

and all I can think or are ways to die alone (2#)

internal bleeding round & round
I'm just another body down

Relevant Tags:
GGodzilla odzilla oGdzilla hodzilla hGodzilla Ghodzilla yodzilla yGodzilla Gyodzilla bodzilla bGodzilla
Gbodzilla vodzilla vGodzilla Gvodzilla fodzilla fGodzilla Gfodzilla todzilla tGodzilla Gtodzilla Goodzilla
Gdzilla Gdozilla Gkdzilla Gkodzilla Gokdzilla G9dzilla G9odzilla Go9dzilla G0dzilla G0odzilla Go0dzilla
Gldzilla Glodzilla Goldzilla Gidzilla Giodzilla Goidzilla Goddzilla Gozilla Gozdilla Goxzilla Goxdzilla
Godxzilla Goezilla Goedzilla Godezilla Gofzilla Gofdzilla Godfzilla Gorzilla Gordzilla Godrzilla Goczilla
Gocdzilla Godczilla Goszilla Gosdzilla Godszilla Godzzilla Godilla Godizlla Godailla

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