Secret Sphere
More Than Simple Emotions

When your eyes shine in mine
One instant arrests the time,
Let this words caress your body,
A sweet embrace they'll be

Each look and every kiss,
In every touch so many sensations,
Too many to be said
By simple and human words

To say I'm feeling good, for sure is not enough,
They're more than simple emotions

I got that memory, all fade away,
Then only you remain,
Like a star in the dark
Shines your spell

Now babe take my hand
And dance with me for all night long,
Close your eyes, come with me
In a place that we can't know...

Get lost on my lips
and let me bring you far away,
Get lost in my eyes,
let me bring you away...

tomorrow, wherever we'll be,
this melody will make us feel nearer...

to say I'm feeling good, for sure is not enough,
they're more than simple emotions,
to say it has been wonderful,
for sure is not enough,
they're more than simple emotions

Mirror lyrics:

they're more than simple emotions
for sure is not enough,
to say it has been wonderful,
they're more than simple emotions,
to say I'm feeling good, for sure is not enough,

this melody will make us feel nearer...
tomorrow, wherever we'll be,

let me bring you away...
Get lost in my eyes,
and let me bring you far away,
Get lost on my lips

In a place that we can't know...
Close your eyes, come with me
And dance with me for all night long,
Now babe take my hand

Shines your spell
Like a star in the dark
Then only you remain,
I got that memory, all fade away,

They're more than simple emotions
To say I'm feeling good, for sure is not enough,

By simple and human words
Too many to be said
In every touch so many sensations,
Each look and every kiss,

A sweet embrace they'll be
Let this words caress your body,
One instant arrests the time,
When your eyes shine in mine

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MMore TThan SSimple EEmotions ore han imple motions oMre hTan iSmple mEotions jore fhan zimple smotions jMore fThan zSimple sEmotions
Mjore Tfhan Szimple Esmotions kore 5han wimple 3motions kMore 5Than wSimple 3Emotions Mkore T5han Swimple E3motions nore hhan dimple fmotions
nMore hThan dSimple fEmotions Mnore Thhan Sdimple Efmotions Moore yhan eimple rmotions Mre yThan eSimple rEmotions Mroe Tyhan Seimple Ermotions
Mkre 6han ximple 4motions 6Than xSimple 4Emotions Mokre T6han Sximple E4motions M9re ghan aimple dmotions M9ore gThan aSimple dEmotions
Mo9re Tghan Saimple Edmotions M0re rhan Siimple wmotions M0ore rThan Smple wEmotions Mo0re Trhan Smiple Ewmotions Mlre Sjmple Emmotions
Mlore Tan Sjimple Eotions Molre Tahn Sijmple Eomtions Mire Tjan S9mple Ejotions Miore Tjhan S9imple Ejmotions Moire Thjan Si9mple Emjotions
Morre Tuan Slmple Ekotions Moe Tuhan Slimple Ekmotions Moer Thuan Silmple Emkotions Mode Tnan Somple Enotions Modre Tnhan Soimple Enmotions
Morde Thnan Siomple Emnotions Mo4e Tban Skmple Emootions Mo4re Tbhan Skimple Emtions Mor4e Thban Sikmple Emtoions Moge Tgan S8mple Emktions
Mogre S8imple Morge Thgan Si8mple Emoktions Mote Tyan Sumple Em9tions Motre Suimple Em9otions Morte Thyan Siumple Emo9tions
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Mor Thsan Sinmple Emoions More Thasn Simnple Emoitons Mors Thwn Simpple Emofions Morse Thwan Simle Emoftions Mores Thawn Simlpe Emotfions
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