Secret Service
If You Need Me

Hold me close the night is ending
Take me on before you go
Stay in touch and I'll be sending
My love to you, love to you

Don't be scared, afraid of living
I'll be there to help you through
Still a friend I'm always giving
My love to you, love to you

If you need me
If you need me
If you need me

Don't pretend, trust your feelings
Stand by me, let dreams come true
Save the night and tender sealing
My love to you, love to you

If you need me
If you need me

Even if a distance comes between
Even then you still can trust
My love to you, love to you

If you need me
If you need me
If you need me.

Mirror lyrics:

If you need me.
If you need me
If you need me

My love to you, love to you
Even then you still can trust
Even if a distance comes between

If you need me
If you need me

My love to you, love to you
Save the night and tender sealing
Stand by me, let dreams come true
Don't pretend, trust your feelings

If you need me
If you need me
If you need me

My love to you, love to you
Still a friend I'm always giving
I'll be there to help you through
Don't be scared, afraid of living

My love to you, love to you
Stay in touch and I'll be sending
Take me on before you go
Hold me close the night is ending

Relevant Tags:
IIf YYou NNeed MMe f ou eed e fI oYu eNed eM jf gou meed je jIf gYou mNeed jMe Ijf Ygou Nmeed Mje 9f hou heed ke 9If hYou hNeed kMe
I9f Yhou Nheed Mke lf 6ou jeed ne lIf 6You jNeed nMe Ilf Y6ou Njeed Mne of uou beed Mee oIf uYou bNeed M Iof Yuou Nbeed Me kf 7ou Neeed Ms
kIf 7You Ned Mse Ikf Y7ou Need Mes 8f jou Nsed M3 8If jYou Nseed M3e I8f Yjou Nesed Me3 uf tou N3ed Mf uIf tYou N3eed Mfe Iuf Ytou Ne3ed Mef
Iff Yoou Nfed Mr I Yu Nfeed Mre If Yuo Nefed Mer Ic Yku Nred M4 Icf Ykou Nreed M4e Ifc Yoku Nered Me4 Ir Y9u N4ed Md Irf Y9ou N4eed Mde
Ifr Yo9u Ne4ed Med Ig Y0u Nded Mw Igf Y0ou Ndeed Mwe

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