Secret Machines, The
You Are Chains

You are chains
When you are chained
With a chain
With an iron ring
Bound to a rock
On which you stand
So large
You can't see from its surface
Covered in atmosphere dust
Blinded by wonder and lust
And you never noticed your chains

Well, neither had I
I knew I had crashed here
I never knew why
‘Til somebody told me
I was too high to leave
I fell to the floor
And crawled back asleep
‘Til early this morning
Turned following evening
If you hadn't come here when you did
I might still believe
I was never in chains

Mirror lyrics:

I was never in chains
I might still believe
If you hadn't come here when you did
Turned following evening
‘Til early this morning
And crawled back asleep
I fell to the floor
I was too high to leave
‘Til somebody told me
I never knew why
I knew I had crashed here
Well, neither had I

And you never noticed your chains
Blinded by wonder and lust
Covered in atmosphere dust
You can't see from its surface
So large
On which you stand
Bound to a rock
With an iron ring
With a chain
When you are chained
You are chains

Relevant Tags:
YYou AAre CChains ou re hains oYu rAe hCains gou zre fhains gYou zAre fChains Ygou Azre Cfhains hou qre xhains hYou qAre xChains
Yhou Aqre Cxhains 6ou sre vhains 6You sAre vChains Y6ou Asre Cvhains uou wre dhains uYou wAre dChains Yuou Awre Cdhains 7ou xre Chhains
7You xAre Cains Y7ou Axre Cahins jou Arre Cjains jYou Ae Cjhains Yjou Aer Chjains tou Ade Cuains tYou Adre Cuhains Ytou Arde Chuains
Yoou A4e Cnains Yu A4re Cnhains Yuo Ar4e Chnains Yku Age Cbains Ykou Agre Cbhains Yoku Arge Chbains Y9u Ate Cgains Y9ou Atre Cghains
Yo9u Arte Chgains Y0u A5e Cyains Y0ou A5re Cyhains Yo0u Ar5e Chyains Ylu Afe Chaains Ylou Afre Chins Yolu Arfe Chians Yiu Aee Chzins
Yiou Aere Chzains Yoiu Aree Chazins Youu Chqins Yo Ar Chqains You Are Chaqins Yoh Ars Chsins Yohu Arse Chsains Youh Ares Chasins
Yo7 Ar3 Chwins Yo7u Ar3e Chwains You7 Are3 Chawins Yok Arf Chxins Chxains Youk Aref Chaxins Yoi Arr Chaiins Chans
Youi Arer Chanis

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