Secret Garden
Dawn Of A New Century



Our planet floating silently in space.
Around it, a white dove flies--
forever circling.
Every one hundred years, the dove's wing
Gently touches the surface of the earth.
The time it would take for the feathered wing
To wear this planet down to nothing eternity.

Within eternity, time passes.
Within time, there is change.
Soon, the wing of the white dove
Will touch our world again.

The dawn of a new Century.

Time for a new beginning...


Now is eternity
At the break of
Dawn of a century
A thousand years
of joy and tears
we leave behind

Love is our destiny
Celebrate the
Dawn of a century
Let voices ring
Rejoice and sing
Now is the time

Now is eternity
Love is our destiny
Dawn of a century

Mirror lyrics:

Dawn of a century
Love is our destiny
Now is eternity

Now is the time
Rejoice and sing
Let voices ring
Dawn of a century
Celebrate the
Love is our destiny

we leave behind
of joy and tears
A thousand years
Dawn of a century
At the break of
Now is eternity


Time for a new beginning...

The dawn of a new Century.

Will touch our world again.
Soon, the wing of the white dove
Within time, there is change.
Within eternity, time passes. eternity.
To wear this planet down to nothing
The time it would take for the feathered wing
Gently touches the surface of the earth.
Every one hundred years, the dove's wing
forever circling.
Around it, a white dove flies--
Our planet floating silently in space.



Relevant Tags:
DDawn OOf AA NNew CCentury awn f ew entury aDwn fO A eNw eCntury xawn kf z mew fentury xDawn kOf zA mNew fCentury Dxawn Okf Az Nmew Cfentury
eawn 9f q hew xentury eDawn 9Of qA hNew xCentury Deawn O9f Aq Nhew Cxentury fawn 0f s jew ventury fDawn 0Of sA jNew vCentury Dfawn O0f As Njew Cventury
rawn lf w bew dentury rDawn lOf wA bNew dCentury Drawn Olf Aw Nbew Cdentury cawn if x Neew Ceentury cDawn iOf xA Nw Cntury Dcawn Oif Ax Nwe Cnetury
sawn Off Nsw Csntury sDawn O Nsew Csentury Dsawn Of Nesw Cesntury Daawn Oc N3w C3ntury Dwn Ocf N3ew C3entury Dwan Ofc Ne3w Ce3ntury
Dzwn Or Nfw Cfntury Dzawn Orf Nfew Dazwn Ofr Nefw Cefntury Dqwn Og Nrw Crntury Dqawn Ogf Nrew Crentury Daqwn Ofg Nerw Cerntury
Dswn Ot N4w C4ntury Otf N4ew C4entury Daswn Oft Ne4w Ce4ntury Dwwn Ov Ndw Cdntury Dwawn Ovf Ndew Dawwn Ofv Nedw Cedntury
Dxwn Od Nww Cwntury Odf Nwew Cwentury Daxwn Ofd Neww Cewntury Cenntury Dan Ne Cetury Danw New Cetnury
Daan Nea Cemtury Neaw Cemntury Dawan Newa Cenmtury Da3n Ne3 Cehtury Da3wn Cehntury Daw3n New3 Cenhtury
Dadn Ned Cejtury Dadwn Cejntury Dawdn Newd Cenjtury Daen Nee Cebtury Daewn Cebntury Dawen Newe Cenbtury
Dasn Nes Centtury Cenury Dawsn News Cenutry Da2n Ne2 Cenfury Da2wn Ne2w Cenftury Daw2n New2 Centfury
Daqn Neq Cen5ury Neqw Cen5tury Dawqn Newq Cent5ury Dawnn Cenhury Daw Dawn Centhury
Dawm Cenyury Dawmn Cenytury Dawnm Centyury Dawh Cen6ury Dawhn Cen6tury Dawnh Cent6ury

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