Mourning Air

Did I see a moment with you
In a half lit world
I'm frightened to believe
But I must try
If I stumble if I fall
I'm reaching out in this mourning air, ohh

Have I got the strength to ask
Beyond the window
I feel this fear alone
Until we have
Total honesty
If I tremble or fall
I'm reaching out in this mourning air, ohh

Should I feel a moment with you
To softly whisper
I crave nothing else so much
Longing to reveal
Total honesty
I can feel your touch
I'm reaching out in this mourning air, ohh
I'm reaching out in this mourning air, ohh

Mirror lyrics:

I'm reaching out in this mourning air, ohh
I'm reaching out in this mourning air, ohh
I can feel your touch
Total honesty
Longing to reveal
I crave nothing else so much
To softly whisper
Should I feel a moment with you

I'm reaching out in this mourning air, ohh
If I tremble or fall
Total honesty
Until we have
I feel this fear alone
Beyond the window
Have I got the strength to ask

I'm reaching out in this mourning air, ohh
If I stumble if I fall
But I must try
I'm frightened to believe
In a half lit world
Did I see a moment with you

Relevant Tags:
MMourning AAir ourning ir oMurning iAr journing zir jMourning zAir Mjourning Azir kourning qir kMourning qAir Mkourning Aqir
nourning sir nMourning sAir Mnourning Asir Moourning wir Murning wAir Muorning Awir Mkurning xir xAir Mokurning Axir
M9urning Aiir M9ourning Ar Mo9urning Ari M0urning Ajr M0ourning Ajir Mo0urning Aijr Mlurning A9r Mlourning A9ir Molurning Ai9r
Miurning Alr Miourning Alir Moiurning Ailr Mouurning Aor Morning Aoir Moruning Aior Mohrning Akr Mohurning Akir Mouhrning Aikr
Mo7rning A8r Mo7urning A8ir Mou7rning Ai8r Mokrning Aur Auir Moukrning Aiur Moirning Airr Ai Mouirning Air
Mo8rning Aid Mo8urning Aidr Mou8rning Aird Mojrning Ai4 Mojurning Ai4r Moujrning Air4 Moyrning Aig Moyurning Aigr Mouyrning Airg
Mourrning Ait Mouning Aitr Mounring Airt Moudning Ai5 Moudrning Ai5r Mourdning Air5 Mou4ning Aif Mou4rning Aifr Mour4ning Airf
Mougning Aie Mougrning Aier Mourgning Aire Moutning Moutrning Mourtning Mou5ning Mou5rning Mour5ning

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