Another Time Around

Did you hear that telephone ring?
You'd better get ready and pack your things
Oooh It's time to be going out again
Kiss the ladies goodbye, wipe the tears
From their pretty eyes
You'll be back sometime, but you don't know when

Moving on and on through the country
Moving on and on in the towns
Things are getting better in the times for you and me
I wanna make it last another time around

About an hour down the rood
Remember how good it was to go
Chalk it up to the best of all times
And all those hours on the plane
A million miles on your brain
No cause to wonder if it's still a good time

Moving on and on through the country
Moving on and on in the towns
Things are getting better in the times for you and me
I wanna make it last another time around

You hear the telephone ring
You'd better get ready and pack your things
Oh it's time to be going out again
Kiss the ladies goodbye, wipe the tears
From their pretty eyes
You'll be back sometime but you don't know when

Moving on and on through the country
Moving on and on in the towns
Things are getting better in the times for you and me
I wanna make it last another time around

I wanna make it last another time around

Mirror lyrics:

I wanna make it last another time around

I wanna make it last another time around
Things are getting better in the times for you and me
Moving on and on in the towns
Moving on and on through the country

You'll be back sometime but you don't know when
From their pretty eyes
Kiss the ladies goodbye, wipe the tears
Oh it's time to be going out again
You'd better get ready and pack your things
You hear the telephone ring

I wanna make it last another time around
Things are getting better in the times for you and me
Moving on and on in the towns
Moving on and on through the country

No cause to wonder if it's still a good time
A million miles on your brain
And all those hours on the plane
Chalk it up to the best of all times
Remember how good it was to go
About an hour down the rood

I wanna make it last another time around
Things are getting better in the times for you and me
Moving on and on in the towns
Moving on and on through the country

You'll be back sometime, but you don't know when
From their pretty eyes
Kiss the ladies goodbye, wipe the tears
Oooh It's time to be going out again
You'd better get ready and pack your things
Did you hear that telephone ring?

Relevant Tags:
AAnother TTime AAround nother ime round nAother iTme rAound znother fime zround zAnother fTime zAround Aznother Tfime Azround
qnother 5ime qround qAnother 5Time qAround Aqnother T5ime Aqround snother hime sround sAnother hTime sAround Asnother Thime Asround
wnother yime wround wAnother yTime wAround Awnother Tyime Awround xnother 6ime xround xAnother 6Time xAround Axnother T6ime Axround
Annother gime Arround Aother gTime Aound Aonther Tgime Aorund Amother rime Adound Amnother rTime Adround Anmother Trime Ardound
Ahother Tiime A4ound Ahnother Tme A4round Anhother Tmie Ar4ound Ajother Tjme Agound Ajnother Tjime Aground Anjother Tijme Argound
Abother T9me Atound Abnother T9ime Atround Anbother Ti9me Artound Anoother Tlme A5ound Anther Tlime A5round Antoher Tilme Ar5ound
Ankther Tome Afound Ankother Toime Afround Anokther Tiome Arfound An9ther Tkme Aeound An9other Tkime Aeround Ano9ther Tikme Areound
An0ther T8me Aroound An0other T8ime Arund Ano0ther Ti8me Aruond Anlther Tume Arkund Anlother Tuime Arkound Anolther Tiume Arokund
Anither Timme Ar9und Aniother Tie Ar9ound Anoither Tiem Aro9und Anotther Tije Ar0und Anoher Ar0ound Anohter Timje Aro0und
Anofher Tike Arlund Anofther Arlound Anotfher Timke Arolund Ano5her Tine Ariund Ano5ther Tinme Ariound Anot5her Timne Aroiund
Anohher Timee Arouund Anohther Tim Arond Anothher Time Aronud Anoyher Tims Arohnd Anoyther Timse Arohund Anotyher Times Arouhnd
Ano6her Tim3 Aro7nd Ano6ther Tim3e Aro7und

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