Poor Thing (detailed Version With Proper Grammer+s

*Paige Starts to speak*
It happens to other people.
You say how sad.
You say poor thing.
But when it's you it's something else.
It's everything.

*Guitar strum and paige sings*
You'll never believed the nightmares,
You'll never know the pain your caused,
You'll never see the scars you left,
The things you stole,
You're the staring role in everything I lost!

*Paige gets louder*
You took my body, tore it in half,
You took my childhood my heart and my laugh,
You took everything I kept for myself,
And then your gone.
I'm not your poor thing.

*Paige gets louder*
You took my body, tore it in half,
You took my childhood my heart and my laugh,
You took everything I kept for myself,
And then your gone,
I'm not your poor thing.

Mirror lyrics:

I'm not your poor thing.
And then your gone,
You took everything I kept for myself,
You took my childhood my heart and my laugh,
You took my body, tore it in half,
*Paige gets louder*

I'm not your poor thing.
And then your gone.
You took everything I kept for myself,
You took my childhood my heart and my laugh,
You took my body, tore it in half,
*Paige gets louder*

You're the staring role in everything I lost!
The things you stole,
You'll never see the scars you left,
You'll never know the pain your caused,
You'll never believed the nightmares,
*Guitar strum and paige sings*

It's everything.
But when it's you it's something else.
You say poor thing.
You say how sad.
It happens to other people.
*Paige Starts to speak*

Relevant Tags:
PPoor TThing ((detailed VVersion WWith PProper GGrammer+s oor hing detailed ersion ith roper rammer+s
oPor hTing d(etailed eVrsion iWth rPoper rGammer+s 0oor fhing (ddetailed bersion aith 0roper hrammer+s
0Poor fThing (etailed bVersion aWith 0Proper hGrammer+s P0oor Tfhing (edtailed Vbersion Waith P0roper Ghrammer+s
loor 5hing (xetailed cersion 3ith lroper yrammer+s lPoor 5Thing (xdetailed cVersion 3With lProper yGrammer+s
Ploor T5hing (dxetailed Vcersion W3ith Plroper Gyrammer+s ooor hhing (eetailed gersion dith oroper brammer+s
oPoor hThing (edetailed gVersion dWith oProper bGrammer+s Pooor Thhing (deetailed Vgersion Wdith Poroper Gbrammer+s
yhing (fetailed fersion eith Prroper vrammer+s Por yThing (fdetailed fVersion eWith Poper vGrammer+s
Poor Tyhing (dfetailed Vfersion Weith Porper Gvrammer+s Pkor 6hing (retailed Veersion sith Pdoper frammer+s
Pkoor 6Thing (rdetailed Vrsion sWith Pdroper fGrammer+s Pokor T6hing (dretailed Vresion Wsith Prdoper Gframmer+s
P9or ghing (cetailed Vsrsion 2ith P4oper trammer+s P9oor gThing (cdetailed Vsersion 2With P4roper tGrammer+s
Po9or Tghing (dcetailed Vesrsion W2ith Pr4oper Gtrammer+s P0or rhing (setailed V3rsion qith Pgoper Grrammer+s
rThing (sdetailed V3ersion qWith Pgroper Gammer+s Po0or Trhing (dsetailed Ve3rsion Wqith Prgoper Garmmer+s
Plor Vfrsion Wiith Ptoper Gdammer+s Ting (dtailed Wth Ptroper Gdrammer+s
Polor Tihng (dteailed Vefrsion Wtih Prtoper Grdammer+s Pior Tjing (dstailed Vrrsion Wjth P5oper G4ammer+s
Pioor Tjhing Vrersion Wjith P5roper G4rammer+s Poior Thjing (destailed Verrsion Wijth Pr5oper Gr4ammer+s
Tuing (d3tailed V4rsion W9th Pfoper Ggammer+s Tuhing (d3etailed V4ersion W9ith Pfroper Ggrammer+s
Poro Thuing (de3tailed Ve4rsion Wi9th Prfoper Grgammer+s Pokr Tning (dftailed Vdrsion Wlth Peoper Gtammer+s
Tnhing Vdersion Wlith Peroper Pookr Thning (deftailed Vedrsion Wilth Preoper Grtammer+s
Po9r Tbing (drtailed Vwrsion Woth Prooper G5ammer+s Tbhing Vwersion Woith Prper G5rammer+s
Poo9r Thbing (dertailed Vewrsion Wioth Prpoer Gr5ammer+s Po0r Tging (d4tailed Wkth Prkper Gfammer+s
(d4etailed Vesion Wkith Prkoper Poo0r Thging (de4tailed Vesrion Wikth Prokper Grfammer+s
Polr Tying (ddtailed Vedsion W8th Pr9per Geammer+s W8ith Pr9oper Gerammer+s
Poolr Thying (dedtailed Verdsion Wi8th Pro9per Greammer+s Poir Thiing (dwtailed Ve4sion Wuth Pr0per Graammer+s
Thng (dwetailed Wuith Pr0oper Grmmer+s Pooir Thnig (dewtailed Ver4sion Wiuth Pro0per Grmamer+s
Poorr Thjng (dettailed Vegsion Witth Prlper Grzmmer+s Poo (deailed Vegrsion Wih Prloper Grzammer+s
Thijng (deatiled Vergsion Wiht Prolper Grazmmer+s Pood Th9ng (defailed Vetsion Wifh Priper Grqmmer+s
Poodr Th9ing Vetrsion Wifth Prioper Grqammer+s Poord Thi9ng (detfailed Vertsion Witfh Proiper Graqmmer+s
Poo4 Thlng (de5ailed Ve5sion Wi5h Propper Grsmmer+s Poo4r Thling (de5tailed Ve5rsion Wi5th Proer Grsammer+s
Poor4 Thilng (det5ailed Ver5sion Wit5h Proepr Grasmmer+s Poog Thong (dehailed Vefsion Wihh Pro0er Grwmmer+s
Poogr Thoing (dehtailed Wihth Grwammer+s Poorg Thiong (dethailed Verfsion Withh Prop0er Grawmmer+s

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