Power Symphony
The Way Of The Sword

For she who steps on the way of the sword
The path gets harder at every turn
Sanctuary she'll find no more
Among the people of her lot
She will leave the past behind
The Goddess knows what she is to find

Past is left behind
For the one on the way of the sword
Fools are meant to fall
They'll get lost along the way
Past is left behind
For the one on the way of the sword
Fools are meant to fall
I am she who's on the way of the sword

For she who knows not the way she must walk
Life is sweet but with little reward
She who wields a sword
Must be prepared to shed her blood
Pain she must endure
And know too well that she must be strong

Past is left behind
For the one on the way of the sword
Fools are meant to fall
They'll get lost along the way
Past is left behind
For the one on the way of the sword
Fools are meant to fall
I am she who's on the way of the sword

So many farewells
Many tears you must shed before your journey ends
Or it's only just begun
For a glory wish there is much to sacrifice
So many farewells
Many tears you must shed before your journey ends
Or it's only just begun
For a glory wish there is much to sacrifice

Past is left behind
For the one on the way of the sword
Fools are meant to fall
They'll get lost along the way
Past is left behind
For the one on the way of the sword
Fools are meant to fall
I am she who's on the way of the sword

Mirror lyrics:

I am she who's on the way of the sword
Fools are meant to fall
For the one on the way of the sword
Past is left behind
They'll get lost along the way
Fools are meant to fall
For the one on the way of the sword
Past is left behind

For a glory wish there is much to sacrifice
Or it's only just begun
Many tears you must shed before your journey ends
So many farewells
For a glory wish there is much to sacrifice
Or it's only just begun
Many tears you must shed before your journey ends
So many farewells

I am she who's on the way of the sword
Fools are meant to fall
For the one on the way of the sword
Past is left behind
They'll get lost along the way
Fools are meant to fall
For the one on the way of the sword
Past is left behind

And know too well that she must be strong
Pain she must endure
Must be prepared to shed her blood
She who wields a sword
Life is sweet but with little reward
For she who knows not the way she must walk

I am she who's on the way of the sword
Fools are meant to fall
For the one on the way of the sword
Past is left behind
They'll get lost along the way
Fools are meant to fall
For the one on the way of the sword
Past is left behind

The Goddess knows what she is to find
She will leave the past behind
Among the people of her lot
Sanctuary she'll find no more
The path gets harder at every turn
For she who steps on the way of the sword

Relevant Tags:
TThe WWay OOf TThe SSword he ay f he word hTe aWy fO hTe wSord fhe aay kf fhe zword fThe aWay kOf fThe zSword Tfhe Waay Okf Tfhe Szword
5he 3ay 9f 5he wword 5The 3Way 9Of 5The wSword T5he W3ay O9f T5he Swword hhe day 0f hhe dword hThe dWay 0Of hThe dSword Thhe Wday O0f Thhe Sdword
yhe eay lf yhe eword yThe eWay lOf yThe eSword Tyhe Weay Olf Tyhe Seword 6he say if 6he xword 6The sWay iOf 6The xSword T6he Wsay Oif T6he Sxword
ghe 2ay Off ghe aword gThe 2Way O gThe aSword Tghe W2ay Of Tghe Saword rhe qay Oc rhe rThe qWay Ocf rThe Sord Trhe Wqay Ofc Trhe Sowrd
Or Saord Te Wy Orf Te Teh Wya Ofr Teh Swaord Tje Wzy Og Tje S3ord Tjhe Wzay Ogf Tjhe S3word Thje Wazy Ofg Thje Sw3ord
Tue Wqy Ot Tue Sdord Tuhe Otf Tuhe Thue Waqy Oft Thue Swdord Tne Wsy Ov Tne Seord Tnhe Ovf Tnhe Thne Wasy Ofv Thne Sweord
Tbe Wwy Od Tbe Ssord Tbhe Wway Odf Tbhe Ssword Thbe Wawy Ofd Thbe Swsord Tge Wxy Tge S2ord Wxay S2word Thge Waxy Thge Sw2ord
Tye Wayy Tye Sqord Wa Sqword Thye Way Thye Swqord Thee Wag Thee Swoord Th Wagy Th Swrd The Wayg The Swrod
Ths Wah Ths Swkrd Thse Wahy Thse Swkord

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