Powerman 5000
The Shape Of Things To Come

Time Moves Like The Cars On The Street A Million Miles From Here To Nowhere
The Only Thing Real Is The Fact That You Search For A Way Just To Try Not To Get There

Another Day, Another Problem
Another Way For Me To Solve 'Em
The Things You Do, Are So Mysterious
When Did Things Get So Serious?!

The Shape, The Shape
Of Things To Come Has Just Begun Alright

Don't Be Afraid Of The Future It Doesn't Include You It Only Removes You
It's The Only Way Out Of The Past, Out Of The Now, Out Of The Anything!

Another Day, Another Battle
Another Cage For Me To Rattle
And What Is Gone Is Never New
So Let Your Mind Explode Into!

The Shape, The Shape
Of Things To Come Has Just Begun Alright

The Shape, The Shape
Of Things To Come Has Just Begun Alright

Don't Turn Your Back And Walk Away
Don't Turn Your Back And Walk Away
Don't Turn Your Back And Walk Away It Will Lead You Straight Back To Your Yesterday......

Take Your Place Straight Up In The Line
Placed A Blindfold Over Your Eyes
So Many Stories That Need To Be Told
It Doesn't Matter Cause Your Already Sold

The Shape, The Shape
Of Things To Come Has Just Begun Alright

The Shape, The Shape
Of Things To Come Has Just Begun Alright

Mirror lyrics:

Of Things To Come Has Just Begun Alright
The Shape, The Shape

Of Things To Come Has Just Begun Alright
The Shape, The Shape

It Doesn't Matter Cause Your Already Sold
So Many Stories That Need To Be Told
Placed A Blindfold Over Your Eyes
Take Your Place Straight Up In The Line

Don't Turn Your Back And Walk Away It Will Lead You Straight Back To Your Yesterday......
Don't Turn Your Back And Walk Away
Don't Turn Your Back And Walk Away

Of Things To Come Has Just Begun Alright
The Shape, The Shape

Of Things To Come Has Just Begun Alright
The Shape, The Shape

So Let Your Mind Explode Into!
And What Is Gone Is Never New
Another Cage For Me To Rattle
Another Day, Another Battle

It's The Only Way Out Of The Past, Out Of The Now, Out Of The Anything!
Don't Be Afraid Of The Future It Doesn't Include You It Only Removes You

Of Things To Come Has Just Begun Alright
The Shape, The Shape

When Did Things Get So Serious?!
The Things You Do, Are So Mysterious
Another Way For Me To Solve 'Em
Another Day, Another Problem

The Only Thing Real Is The Fact That You Search For A Way Just To Try Not To Get There
Time Moves Like The Cars On The Street A Million Miles From Here To Nowhere

Relevant Tags:
TThe SShape OOf TThings TTo CCome he hape f hings o ome hTe hSape fO hTings oT oCme fhe zhape kf fhings fo fome fThe zShape kOf fThings fTo fCome
Tfhe Szhape Okf Tfhings Tfo Cfome 5he whape 9f 5hings 5o xome 5The wShape 9Of 5Things 5To xCome T5he Swhape O9f T5hings T5o Cxome hhe dhape 0f hhings ho vome
hThe dShape 0Of hThings hTo vCome Thhe Sdhape O0f Thhings Tho Cvome yhe ehape lf yhings yo dome yThe eShape lOf yThings yTo dCome Tyhe Sehape Olf Tyhings Tyo Cdome
6he xhape if 6hings 6o Coome 6The xShape iOf 6Things 6To Cme T6he Sxhape Oif T6hings T6o Cmoe ghe ahape Off ghings go Ckme gThe aShape O gThings gTo Ckome
Tghe Sahape Of Tghings Tgo Cokme rhe Shhape Oc rhings ro C9me rThe Sape Ocf rThings rTo C9ome Trhe Sahpe Ofc Trhings Tro Co9me Sjape Or Too C0me
Te Sjhape Orf Tings T C0ome Teh Shjape Ofr Tihngs To Co0me Tje Suape Og Tjings Tk Clme Tjhe Suhape Ogf Tjhings Tko Clome Thje Shuape Ofg Thjings Tok Colme
Tue Snape Ot Tuings T9 Cime Tuhe Snhape Otf Tuhings T9o Ciome Thue Shnape Oft Thuings To9 Coime Tne Sbape Ov Tnings T0 Comme Tnhe Sbhape Ovf Tnhings T0o Coe
Thne Shbape Ofv Thnings To0 Coem Tbe Sgape Od Tbings Tl Coje Tbhe Sghape Odf Tbhings Tlo Cojme Thbe Shgape Ofd Thbings Tol Comje Tge Syape Tgings Ti Coke
Syhape Tio Thge Shyape Thgings Toi Comke Tye Shaape Tyings Cone Shpe Conme Thye Shpae Thyings Comne
Thee Shzpe Thiings Comee Th Shzape Thngs Com The Shazpe Thnigs Come Ths Shqpe Thjngs Coms Thse Shqape Comse
Thes Shaqpe Thijngs Comes Th3 Shspe Th9ngs Com3 Th3e Shsape Th9ings Com3e The3 Shaspe Thi9ngs Come3 Thf Shwpe Thlngs Comf
Thfe Shwape Thlings Comfe Thef Shawpe Thilngs Comef Thr Shxpe Thongs Comr Thre Shxape Thoings Comre

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