
Sunsets over the beaches from now on.
Each day looking for new ways to go on

Maybe I should drop by, maybe I should have called
Maybe i should have followed you and beat down your door
Maybe it's gonna be breaking you every time you fall,
but to shower you with pity would do you no good at all
No good at all.

Slow burn watching the world turn
from my arms.
New way of measuring each day till it's gone.
Sunrise building a reprise in my heart
Regret tight around my chest plays its part

Watching the sun set, sun set, sunset, sunset
Over the beaches, beaches, beaches, beaches.

Mirror lyrics:

Over the beaches, beaches, beaches, beaches.
Watching the sun set, sun set, sunset, sunset

Regret tight around my chest plays its part
Sunrise building a reprise in my heart
New way of measuring each day till it's gone.
from my arms.
Slow burn watching the world turn

No good at all.
but to shower you with pity would do you no good at all
Maybe it's gonna be breaking you every time you fall,
Maybe i should have followed you and beat down your door
Maybe I should drop by, maybe I should have called

Each day looking for new ways to go on
Sunsets over the beaches from now on.

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Sunswets Sundets Sundsets

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