Patron pushed vows aside
Parents blest shine with pride
Lay child down force inside
I play on my position of trust
Leave the child to self destruct
Child ashamed silent oath
Fallen heard shows no growth
Shows no growth chose no growth
I play on my position of trust
Leave the child to self destruct
Leave the child to self destruct
I play on my position of trust
Shows no growth chose no growth
Fallen heard shows no growth
Child ashamed silent oath
Leave the child to self destruct
I play on my position of trust
Lay child down force inside
Parents blest shine with pride
Patron pushed vows aside
CCitadel |
| itadel |
| iCtadel |
| fitadel |
| fCitadel |
| Cfitadel |
| xitadel |
| xCitadel |
| Cxitadel |
| vitadel |
| vCitadel |
Cvitadel |
| ditadel |
| dCitadel |
| Cditadel |
| Ciitadel |
| Ctadel |
| Ctiadel |
| Cjtadel |
| Cjitadel |
| Cijtadel |
| C9tadel |
C9itadel |
| Ci9tadel |
| Cltadel |
| Clitadel |
| Ciltadel |
| Cotadel |
| Coitadel |
| Ciotadel |
| Cktadel |
| Ckitadel |
| Ciktadel |
C8tadel |
| C8itadel |
| Ci8tadel |
| Cutadel |
| Cuitadel |
| Ciutadel |
| Cittadel |
| Ciadel |
| Ciatdel |
| Cifadel |
| Ciftadel |
Citfadel |
| Ci5adel |
| Ci5tadel |
| Cit5adel |
| Cihadel |
| Cihtadel |
| Cithadel |
| Ciyadel |
| Ciytadel |
| Cityadel |
| Ci6adel |
Ci6tadel |
| Cit6adel |
| Cigadel |
| Cigtadel |
| Citgadel |
| Ciradel |
| Cirtadel |
| Citradel |
| Citaadel |
| Citdel |
| Citdael |