Premonitions Of War
One Constant Volume

Chasing tranquility through a maze
of secret numbers and backdoors.
Back burners hum in the background.
A mix of illicit and innocent.
The mean reds pushed aside for a little while
by obsessions and invasions going hand in hand.

Mirror lyrics:

by obsessions and invasions going hand in hand.
The mean reds pushed aside for a little while
A mix of illicit and innocent.
Back burners hum in the background.
of secret numbers and backdoors.
Chasing tranquility through a maze

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OOne CConstant VVolume ne onstant olume nOe oCnstant oVlume kne fonstant bolume kOne fConstant bVolume Okne Cfonstant Vbolume
9ne xonstant colume 9One xConstant cVolume O9ne Cxonstant Vcolume 0ne vonstant golume 0One vConstant gVolume O0ne Cvonstant Vgolume
lne donstant folume lOne dConstant fVolume Olne Cdonstant Vfolume ine Coonstant Voolume iOne Cnstant Vlume Oine Cnostant Vloume
Onne Cknstant Vklume Oe Ckonstant Vkolume Oen Coknstant Voklume Ome C9nstant V9lume Omne C9onstant V9olume Onme Co9nstant Vo9lume
Ohe C0nstant V0lume Ohne C0onstant V0olume Onhe Co0nstant Vo0lume Oje Clnstant Vllume Ojne Clonstant Vlolume Onje Colnstant Vollume
Obe Cinstant Vilume Obne Cionstant Violume Onbe Coinstant Voilume Onee Connstant On Costant Voume One Cosntant Voulme
Ons Comstant Vokume Onse Comnstant Ones Conmstant Volkume On3 Cohstant Vooume On3e Cohnstant One3 Conhstant Voloume
Onf Cojstant Vopume Onfe Cojnstant Voplume Onef Conjstant Volpume Onr Cobstant Voluume Onre Cobnstant Volme Oner Conbstant Volmue
On4 Consstant Volhme On4e Contant Volhume One4 Contsant Voluhme Ond Conztant Vol7me Onde Conzstant Vol7ume Oned Consztant Volu7me
Onw Conwtant Volkme Onwe Conwstant Onew Conswtant Volukme Condtant Volime Condstant Voliume Consdtant Voluime
Conetant Vol8me Conestant Vol8ume Consetant Volu8me Conxtant Voljme Conxstant Voljume Consxtant Volujme
Conatant Volyme Conastant Volyume Consatant Voluyme Consttant Volumme Consant Volue Consatnt Voluem
Consfant Voluje Consftant Constfant Volumje

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