Porcupine Tree
And The Swallows Dance Above The Sun

I'm sitting in the concrete
I'm listening for a heartbeat
I'm sitting in the painting
I promised I'd be waiting
I'm sitting in the window
I'm listening to the wind blow
I'm sitting in an hour glass
I'm waiting for the march past

I'm sitting in the doorway
I'm wishing for a new day
I'm choking in the landscape
I'm cutting through the red tape
I'm sitting in the concrete
I'm listening for a heartbeat

And the joke has crossed the line
And the final word is mine
And the mist has touched the wood
And the words are understood
And the sand has drifted high
And the blind man gave a cry
And the swallows dance above the sun
And the swallows dance above the sun

I'm sitting on the ceiling
I had to know the feeling
I'm sitting in the shelter
I'm going down helter skelter
I'm sitting in the concrete
I'm listening for a heartbeat

Every time I turn around
There's another face watching me
Every time I turn around
There's another voice calling me
Every time I turn around
There's another fool reading me
Every time I turn around
There's another silence drowning me

Mirror lyrics:

There's another silence drowning me
Every time I turn around
There's another fool reading me
Every time I turn around
There's another voice calling me
Every time I turn around
There's another face watching me
Every time I turn around

I'm listening for a heartbeat
I'm sitting in the concrete
I'm going down helter skelter
I'm sitting in the shelter
I had to know the feeling
I'm sitting on the ceiling

And the swallows dance above the sun
And the swallows dance above the sun
And the blind man gave a cry
And the sand has drifted high
And the words are understood
And the mist has touched the wood
And the final word is mine
And the joke has crossed the line

I'm listening for a heartbeat
I'm sitting in the concrete
I'm cutting through the red tape
I'm choking in the landscape
I'm wishing for a new day
I'm sitting in the doorway

I'm waiting for the march past
I'm sitting in an hour glass
I'm listening to the wind blow
I'm sitting in the window
I promised I'd be waiting
I'm sitting in the painting
I'm listening for a heartbeat
I'm sitting in the concrete

Relevant Tags:
AAnd TThe SSwallows DDance AAbove TThe SSun nd he wallows ance bove he un nAd hTe wSallows aDnce bAove hTe uSn znd fhe zwallows xance zbove fhe zun
zAnd fThe zSwallows xDance zAbove fThe zSun Aznd Tfhe Szwallows Dxance Azbove Tfhe Szun qnd 5he wwallows eance qbove 5he wun qAnd 5The wSwallows eDance qAbove 5The wSun
Aqnd T5he Swwallows Deance Aqbove T5he Swun snd hhe dwallows fance sbove hhe dun sAnd hThe dSwallows fDance sAbove hThe dSun Asnd Thhe Sdwallows Dfance Asbove Thhe Sdun
wnd yhe ewallows rance wbove yhe eun wAnd yThe eSwallows rDance wAbove yThe eSun Awnd Tyhe Sewallows Drance Awbove Tyhe Seun xnd 6he xwallows cance xbove 6he xun
xAnd 6The xSwallows cDance xAbove 6The xSun Axnd T6he Sxwallows Dcance Axbove T6he Sxun Annd ghe awallows sance Abbove ghe aun Ad gThe aSwallows sDance Aove gThe aSun
Adn Tghe Sawallows Dsance Aobve Tghe Saun Amd rhe Daance Avove rhe Suun Amnd rThe Sallows Dnce Avbove rThe Sn Anmd Trhe Sawllows Dnace Abvove Trhe Snu
Ahd Saallows Dznce Agove Shn Ahnd Te Dzance Agbove Te Shun Anhd Teh Swaallows Daznce Abgove Teh Suhn Ajd Tje S3allows Dqnce Anove Tje S7n
Ajnd Tjhe S3wallows Dqance Anbove Tjhe S7un Anjd Thje Sw3allows Daqnce Abnove Thje Su7n Abd Tue Sdallows Dsnce Ahove Tue Skn Abnd Tuhe Ahbove Tuhe Skun
Anbd Thue Swdallows Dasnce Abhove Thue Sukn Andd Tne Seallows Dwnce Aboove Tne Sin An Tnhe Dwance Abve Tnhe Siun And Thne Sweallows Dawnce Abvoe Thne Suin
Anx Tbe Ssallows Dxnce Abkve Tbe S8n Anxd Tbhe Sswallows Abkove Tbhe S8un Andx Thbe Swsallows Daxnce Abokve Thbe Su8n Ane Tge S2allows Dannce Ab9ve Tge Sjn
Aned S2wallows Dace Ab9ove Sjun Ande Thge Sw2allows Dacne Abo9ve Thge Sujn Anf Tye Sqallows Damce Ab0ve Tye Syn Anfd Sqwallows Damnce Ab0ove Syun
Andf Thye Swqallows Danmce Abo0ve Thye Suyn Anr Thee Dahce Ablve Thee Sunn Anrd Th Swllows Dahnce Ablove Th Su Andr The Swlalows Danhce Abolve The Sun
Anc Ths Swzllows Dajce Abive Ths Sum Ancd Thse Swzallows Dajnce Abiove Thse Sumn Andc Thes Swazllows Danjce Aboive Thes Sunm Ans Th3 Swqllows Dabce Abovve Th3 Suh
Ansd Th3e Dabnce Aboe Th3e Ands The3 Swaqllows Danbce Aboev The3 Sunh Thf Swsllows Dancce Abobe Thf Suj Thfe Dane Abobve Thfe
Thef Swasllows Danec Abovbe Thef Sunj Thr Swwllows Danfe Aboce Thr Sub Thre Danfce Abocve Thre Subn Ther Swawllows Dancfe Abovce Ther Sunb
Th4 Swxllows Danxe Aboge Th4 Th4e Swxallows Danxce Abogve Th4e The4 Swaxllows Dancxe Abovge The4 Thd Swalllows Danve Abofe Thd

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