The Comeback Kid

Monday's coming, I'll get out of this town
The rumor around say it wants me
I get distracted by the outcome of things
But still it was only expected

And I don't want to argue if it takes til tomorrow
To let me out or let me in
The disillusioned comeback kid is out flying solo
Someone better reel him in, yeah, before it begins

Monday's coming, I'll get out of this town
The rumor around says it hurts me
The newspapers say it's been a marvelous year
But I don't know how that affects me

And I don't want to argue if it takes til tomorrow
To let me out or let me in
The disillusioned comeback kid is out flying solo
Someone better reel him in, yeah, before it begins

No, I don't want to argue if it takes til tomorrow
To let me out or let me in
The disillusioned comeback kid is out flying solo
Someone better reel him in
Guiding him down from a streetlight
Changing all of the bulbs around midnight
Let it all begin, slowly getting closer to the start
Saving everything, time to try to reason with the heart

Mirror lyrics:

Saving everything, time to try to reason with the heart
Let it all begin, slowly getting closer to the start
Changing all of the bulbs around midnight
Guiding him down from a streetlight
Someone better reel him in
The disillusioned comeback kid is out flying solo
To let me out or let me in
No, I don't want to argue if it takes til tomorrow

Someone better reel him in, yeah, before it begins
The disillusioned comeback kid is out flying solo
To let me out or let me in
And I don't want to argue if it takes til tomorrow

But I don't know how that affects me
The newspapers say it's been a marvelous year
The rumor around says it hurts me
Monday's coming, I'll get out of this town

Someone better reel him in, yeah, before it begins
The disillusioned comeback kid is out flying solo
To let me out or let me in
And I don't want to argue if it takes til tomorrow

But still it was only expected
I get distracted by the outcome of things
The rumor around say it wants me
Monday's coming, I'll get out of this town

Relevant Tags:
TThe CComeback KKid he omeback id hTe oCmeback iKd fhe fomeback lid fThe fComeback lKid Tfhe Cfomeback Klid 5he xomeback oid
5The xComeback oKid T5he Cxomeback Koid hhe vomeback mid hThe vComeback mKid Thhe Cvomeback Kmid yhe domeback jid yThe dComeback jKid
Tyhe Cdomeback Kjid 6he Coomeback iid 6The Cmeback iKid T6he Cmoeback Kiid ghe Ckmeback gThe Ckomeback Kd Tghe Cokmeback Kdi
rhe C9meback Kjd rThe C9omeback Trhe Co9meback Kijd C0meback K9d Te C0omeback K9id Teh Co0meback Ki9d Tje Clmeback Kld
Tjhe Clomeback Thje Colmeback Kild Tue Cimeback Kod Tuhe Ciomeback Thue Coimeback Kiod Tne Commeback Kkd Tnhe Coeback Kkid
Thne Coemback Kikd Tbe Cojeback K8d Tbhe Cojmeback K8id Thbe Comjeback Ki8d Tge Cokeback Kud Kuid Thge Comkeback Kiud
Tye Coneback Kidd Conmeback Ki Thye Comneback Kid Thee Comeeback Kix Th Comback Kixd The Combeack Kidx Ths Comsback Kie
Thse Comseback Kied Thes Comesback Kide Th3 Com3back Kif Th3e Com3eback Kifd The3 Come3back Kidf Thf Comfback Kir Thfe Comfeback Kird
Thef Comefback Kidr Thr Comrback Kic Thre Comreback Kicd Ther Comerback Kidc Th4 Com4back Kis Th4e Com4eback Kisd The4 Come4back Kids
Thd Comdback Thde Comdeback Thed Comedback Thw Comwback

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