2045 Radical Man
How can a non-musician discuss the future of music
From anything other than a consumer point of view?
These people make decisions for the bulk of us
Without consulting any of us
Sales and distributions of our futures
If this world were fair and right
They'd give up the car keys this very night
Damn, hit it
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Flash forward, 2045
What did you stand for in the life of your prime
When faced with the final judgment of today
Who profited from the game
That you and your niggas play
Radical man, save a life
Come on, take a stand, give that money back
Let's make a plan, the brand new currency
Taking care of one another you and me
Radical, radical
Flash backward, 1999
In a world shockful of viruses
How'd y'all stay alive?
Depending on this so-called man
For everything you got comes from his hand
Food, water, the clothes you wear
How many of y'all niggas really care?
We don't care
Let's define this word, nigga
Someone who stays high
Watching their life go by
Someone content with riding it behind, nigga
They come in all colors, white, black, Puerto Rican
But the main niggas we speakin' 'bout
Wear suits and buy and sell corporations
With only one thing in mind
Break it up
That is the destruction of the
So-called radical man by 2045
Let's get radical
Let's get radical
Watch me now
Schooled in the art of digital games
When the war broke out they called your name
Everyone of color put on the front line
Holocaust Avenue, 2009
Get an education, good job, who says?
Fool with the gold fronts drinkin' Alize
They don't play by the rules makin' no sense today
Gotcha on line so you think it's okay
Better built cell block, mos def say
That's where you gonna stay, nigga
Where you gonna stay, nigga?
Oh my God, it's the Green Mile
Radical, radical man
Radical, radical man
Radical, radical man
Radical man
What's up, y'all? What y'all wanna do?
Ain't nobody up in that crew know
How to really run that computer
And make it flow
If you ain't born with it
You know, talkin' about the to and fro, hit me
Come on, you know way down
What George say, fall around, alright
We claim Miles Davis, not Michaelangelo
We playin' D-flat in the funk
You better act like you know
We don't care what Albert Einstein did
I'd rather know, rather know
How they built the pyramid, hey
James Brown, Chuck D. and Jimi
Turn me up louder now
And I don't think y'all hear me
2045, we will stay alive
2045, God is on our side
The whole pop scenario is just nothin'
But a dream
The day you wake up is the day
You get the real cream, nigga
Radical man
Who got the plan, who got the plan?
Radical man
Who got the plan, who got the plan?
This is the funk the industry most fears
All of us getting together
In a locked board of directors
I don't think so
Ain't nobody runnin' this
It's all about DNA, the radical man
Where will you be in 2045?
30 million people right now
Are being wiped off the face of the planet
By a disease they claim has no cure
In the matter of a blinking eye
All of us right now can testify
Take a stand, radical man, oh
Take a stand, radical man, oh
All of us right now can testify
In the matter of a blinking eye
By a disease they claim has no cure
Are being wiped off the face of the planet
30 million people right now
Where will you be in 2045?
It's all about DNA, the radical man
Ain't nobody runnin' this
I don't think so
In a locked board of directors
All of us getting together
This is the funk the industry most fears
Who got the plan, who got the plan?
Radical man
Who got the plan, who got the plan?
Radical man
You get the real cream, nigga
The day you wake up is the day
But a dream
The whole pop scenario is just nothin'
2045, God is on our side
2045, we will stay alive
And I don't think y'all hear me
Turn me up louder now
James Brown, Chuck D. and Jimi
How they built the pyramid, hey
I'd rather know, rather know
We don't care what Albert Einstein did
You better act like you know
We playin' D-flat in the funk
We claim Miles Davis, not Michaelangelo
What George say, fall around, alright
Come on, you know way down
You know, talkin' about the to and fro, hit me
If you ain't born with it
And make it flow
How to really run that computer
Ain't nobody up in that crew know
What's up, y'all? What y'all wanna do?
Radical man
Radical, radical man
Radical, radical man
Radical, radical man
Oh my God, it's the Green Mile
Where you gonna stay, nigga?
That's where you gonna stay, nigga
Better built cell block, mos def say
Gotcha on line so you think it's okay
They don't play by the rules makin' no sense today
Fool with the gold fronts drinkin' Alize
Get an education, good job, who says?
Holocaust Avenue, 2009
Everyone of color put on the front line
When the war broke out they called your name
Schooled in the art of digital games
Watch me now
Let's get radical
Let's get radical
So-called radical man by 2045
That is the destruction of the
Break it up
With only one thing in mind
Wear suits and buy and sell corporations
But the main niggas we speakin' 'bout
They come in all colors, white, black, Puerto Rican
Someone content with riding it behind, nigga
Watching their life go by
Someone who stays high
Let's define this word, nigga
We don't care
How many of y'all niggas really care?
Food, water, the clothes you wear
For everything you got comes from his hand
Depending on this so-called man
How'd y'all stay alive?
In a world shockful of viruses
Flash backward, 1999
Radical, radical
Taking care of one another you and me
Let's make a plan, the brand new currency
Come on, take a stand, give that money back
Radical man, save a life
That you and your niggas play
Who profited from the game
When faced with the final judgment of today
What did you stand for in the life of your prime
Flash forward, 2045
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Damn, hit it
They'd give up the car keys this very night
If this world were fair and right
Sales and distributions of our futures
Without consulting any of us
These people make decisions for the bulk of us
From anything other than a consumer point of view?
How can a non-musician discuss the future of music
22045 RRadical MMan |
| 045 adical an |
| 0245 aRdical aMn |
| 3045 dadical jan |
| 32045 dRadical jMan |
| 23045 Rdadical Mjan |
| q045 4adical kan |
q2045 4Radical kMan |
| 2q045 R4adical Mkan |
| w045 gadical nan |
| w2045 gRadical nMan |
| 2w045 Rgadical Mnan |
| 1045 tadical Maan |
| 12045 tRadical Mn |
21045 Rtadical Mna |
| 20045 5adical Mzn |
| 245 5Radical Mzan |
| 2405 R5adical Mazn |
| 2p45 fadical Mqn |
| 2p045 fRadical Mqan |
| 20p45 Rfadical Maqn |
2945 eadical Msn |
| 29045 eRadical Msan |
| 20945 Readical Masn |
| 2o45 Raadical Mwn |
| 2o045 Rdical Mwan |
| 20o45 Rdaical Mawn |
| 20445 Rzdical Mxn |
205 Rzadical Mxan |
| 2054 Razdical Maxn |
| 2055 Rqdical Mann |
| 20545 Rqadical Ma |
| 20455 Raqdical Man |
| 20e5 Rsdical Mam |
| 20e45 Rsadical Mamn |
204e5 Rasdical Manm |
| 20r5 Rwdical Mah |
| 20r45 Rwadical Mahn |
| 204r5 Rawdical Manh |
| 2035 Rxdical Maj |
| 20345 Rxadical Majn |
| 20435 Raxdical Manj |
Raddical Mab |
| 204 Raical Mabn |
| 2045 Raidcal Manb |
| 2046 Raxical |
| 20465 |
| 20456 Radxical |
| 204r Raeical |
Raedical |
| 2045r Radeical |
| 204t Rafical |
| 204t5 Rafdical |
| 2045t Radfical |
| 2044 Rarical |
| Rardical |
20454 Radrical |
| Racical |
| Racdical |
| Radcical |
| Rasical |
| Radsical |
| Radiical |
Radcal |