Princess One Point Five
Closer Than This

We’re out of our league
And I’m out of my mind
I’m breathing you in my breeze of the ocean and the rain
Every inch of me, is aching for this

Nothing of me will live on
(When I’m) Nothing of us will live on
(When I’m) Nothing of this will exist when I’m gone
Its not wonder I’m frightened of closing my eyes
Such a shame
Could’ve been closer

All will be forgotten in time
Forgiven, forgotten
Forgotten, just like me

Nothing of me will live on
(When I’m) nothing of us will live on
(When I’m) Nothing of this will exist when I’m gone
It’s no wonder I’m frightened of saying goodbye
Such a shame
Could’ve been kinder

Mirror lyrics:

Could’ve been kinder
Such a shame
It’s no wonder I’m frightened of saying goodbye
(When I’m) Nothing of this will exist when I’m gone
(When I’m) nothing of us will live on
Nothing of me will live on

Forgotten, just like me
Forgiven, forgotten
All will be forgotten in time

Could’ve been closer
Such a shame
Its not wonder I’m frightened of closing my eyes
(When I’m) Nothing of this will exist when I’m gone
(When I’m) Nothing of us will live on
Nothing of me will live on

Every inch of me, is aching for this
I’m breathing you in my breeze of the ocean and the rain
And I’m out of my mind
We’re out of our league

Relevant Tags:
CCloser TThan TThis loser han his lCoser hTan hTis floser fhan fhis fCloser fThan fThis Cfloser Tfhan Tfhis xloser 5han 5his
xCloser 5Than 5This Cxloser T5han T5his vloser hhan hhis vCloser hThan hThis Cvloser Thhan Thhis dloser yhan yhis dCloser yThan yThis
Cdloser Tyhan Tyhis Clloser 6han 6his Coser 6Than 6This Colser T6han T6his Ckoser ghan ghis Ckloser gThan gThis Clkoser Tghan Tghis
Cooser rhan rhis Coloser rThan rThis Clooser Trhan Trhis Cposer Cploser Tan Tis Clposer Tahn Tihs Tjan Tjis
Clser Tjhan Tjhis Clsoer Thjan Thjis Clkser Tuan Tuis Tuhan Tuhis Clokser Thuan Thuis Cl9ser Tnan Tnis Cl9oser Tnhan Tnhis
Clo9ser Thnan Thnis Cl0ser Tban Tbis Cl0oser Tbhan Tbhis Clo0ser Thban Thbis Cllser Tgan Tgis Clolser Thgan Thgis Cliser Tyan Tyis
Clioser Cloiser Thyan Thyis Closser Thaan Thiis Cloer Thn Ths Cloesr Thna Thsi Clozer Thzn Thjs Clozser Thzan
Closzer Thazn Thijs

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