Even Fairy Tale Characters Would Be Jealous

17 and runnin up the stairs my baby bear
7 lonely hours that I've been without a shower until
You and I meet in the bathroom with the water on
Steamin up the room with little but a towel on
And you are my high
And you are my high
Just like a joint or two just hangin out the window in September
On the 28th I'll be dethroned and sent to clean up my act
4 months in a penetentiary where I can read
And think I'll make it home
And you are my high
And you are my high
Everything I said last night when we were in the car
Tellin you I knew I knew I knew that we would make it far
Everyone in this town will see
Someone like you could be with someone like me
Even fairy tale characters would be jealous
Even fairy tale characters would be jealous
Even fairy tale characters would be jealous
Even fairy tale characters
Do Do we've been singing the bad song
Do Do we've been singing the bad song

Mirror lyrics:

Do Do we've been singing the bad song
Do Do we've been singing the bad song
Even fairy tale characters
Even fairy tale characters would be jealous
Even fairy tale characters would be jealous
Even fairy tale characters would be jealous
Someone like you could be with someone like me
Everyone in this town will see
Tellin you I knew I knew I knew that we would make it far
Everything I said last night when we were in the car
And you are my high
And you are my high
And think I'll make it home
4 months in a penetentiary where I can read
On the 28th I'll be dethroned and sent to clean up my act
Just like a joint or two just hangin out the window in September
And you are my high
And you are my high
Steamin up the room with little but a towel on
You and I meet in the bathroom with the water on
7 lonely hours that I've been without a shower until
17 and runnin up the stairs my baby bear

Relevant Tags:
EEven FFairy TTale CCharacters WWould BBe JJealous ven airy ale haracters ould e ealous vEen aFiry aTle hCaracters oWuld eB eJalous
sven cairy fale fharacters aould ve kealous sEven cFairy fTale fCharacters aWould vBe kJealous Esven Fcairy Tfale Cfharacters Waould Bve Jkealous
3ven rairy 5ale xharacters 3ould ge iealous 3Even rFairy 5Tale xCharacters 3Would gBe iJealous E3ven Frairy T5ale Cxharacters W3ould Bge Jiealous
fven gairy hale vharacters dould ne mealous fEven gFairy hTale vCharacters dWould nBe mJealous Efven Fgairy Thale Cvharacters Wdould Bne Jmealous
rven tairy yale dharacters eould he nealous rEven tFairy yTale dCharacters eWould hBe nJealous Erven Ftairy Tyale Cdharacters Weould Bhe Jnealous
4ven vairy 6ale Chharacters sould Bee healous 4Even vFairy 6Tale Caracters sWould B hJealous E4ven Fvairy T6ale Cahracters Wsould Be Jhealous
dven dairy gale Cjaracters 2ould Bs uealous dEven dFairy gTale Cjharacters 2Would Bse uJealous Edven Fdairy Tgale Chjaracters W2ould Bes Juealous
wven Faairy rale Cuaracters qould B3 Jeealous wEven Firy rTale Cuharacters qWould B3e Jalous Ewven Fiary Trale Chuaracters Wqould Be3 Jaelous
Evven Fziry Taale Cnaracters Woould Bf Jsalous Een Fzairy Tle Cnharacters Wuld Bfe Jsealous Eevn Faziry Tlae Chnaracters Wuold Bef Jesalous
Eben Fqiry Tzle Cbaracters Wkuld Br J3alous Ebven Fqairy Tzale Cbharacters Wkould Bre J3ealous Evben Faqiry Tazle Chbaracters Wokuld Ber Je3alous
Ecen Fsiry Tqle Cgaracters W9uld B4 Jfalous Ecven Fsairy Tqale Cgharacters W9ould B4e Jfealous Evcen Fasiry Taqle Chgaracters Wo9uld Be4 Jefalous
Egen Fwiry Tsle Cyaracters W0uld Bd Jralous Egven Fwairy Tsale Cyharacters W0ould Bde Jrealous Evgen Fawiry Tasle Chyaracters Wo0uld Bed Jeralous
Efen Fxiry Twle Chaaracters Wluld Bw J4alous Fxairy Twale Chracters Wlould Bwe J4ealous Evfen Faxiry Tawle Chraacters Woluld Bew Je4alous
Eveen Faiiry Txle Chzracters Wiuld Jdalous Evn Fary Txale Chzaracters Wiould Jdealous Evne Fariy Taxle Chazracters Woiuld Jedalous
Evsn Fajry Talle Chqracters Wouuld Jwalous Evsen Fajiry Tae Chqaracters Wold Jwealous Evesn Faijry Tael Chaqracters Wolud Jewalous
Ev3n Fa9ry Take Chsracters Wohld Jeaalous Ev3en Fa9iry Takle Chsaracters Wohuld Jelous Eve3n Fai9ry Talke Chasracters Wouhld Jelaous
Evfn Falry Taoe Chwracters Wo7ld Jezlous Faliry Taole Chwaracters Wo7uld Jezalous Evefn Failry Taloe Chawracters Wou7ld Jeazlous
Evrn Faory Tape Chxracters Wokld Jeqlous Evren Faoiry Taple Chxaracters Jeqalous Evern Faiory Talpe Chaxracters Woukld Jeaqlous
Ev4n Fakry Talee Charracters Woild Jeslous Ev4en Fakiry Tal Chaacters Eve4n Faikry Tale Chaarcters Wouild Jeaslous
Evdn Fa8ry Tals Chadacters Wo8ld Jewlous Evden Fa8iry Talse Chadracters Wo8uld Evedn Fai8ry Tales Chardacters Wou8ld Jeawlous
Evwn Faury Tal3 Cha4acters Wojld Jexlous Evwen Fauiry Tal3e Cha4racters Wojuld Jexalous Evewn Faiury Tale3 Char4acters Woujld Jeaxlous
Evenn Fairry Talf Chagacters Woyld Jeallous Eve Faiy Talfe Chagracters Woyuld Jeaous Even Faiyr Talef Chargacters Wouyld Jeaolus
Evem Faidy Talr Chatacters Woulld Jeakous Evemn Faidry Talre Chatracters Woud Jeaklous Evenm Fairdy Taler Chartacters Woudl Jealkous
Eveh Fai4y Tal4 Cha5acters Woukd Jeaoous Evehn Fai4ry Tal4e Cha5racters Jeaolous Evenh Fair4y Tale4 Char5acters Woulkd Jealoous
Evej Faigy Tald Chafacters Wouod Jeapous Evejn Faigry Talde Chafracters Wouold Jeaplous Evenj Fairgy Taled Charfacters Woulod Jealpous
Eveb Faity Talw Chaeacters Woupd Evebn Faitry Talwe Chaeracters Woupld Jealus Evenb Fairty Talew Chareacters Woulpd Jealuos
Fai5y Charaacters Wouldd Jealkus Fai5ry Charcters Woul Fair5y Charcaters Would Jealokus
Faify Charzcters Woulx Jeal9us Faifry Charzacters Woulxd Jeal9ous Fairfy Charazcters Wouldx Jealo9us
Faiey Charqcters Woule Jeal0us Faiery Charqacters Wouled Jeal0ous Fairey Charaqcters Woulde Jealo0us
Fairyy Charscters Woulf Jeallus Fair Charsacters Woulfd Fairy Charascters Wouldf Jealolus

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