Second Hand Love

Ok, I knew, I knew from the beginning
Everybody's got a past
But now with you, I see a hidden meaning
And I ain't gonna sit with that

I close my eyes and I see her reflection
I just can't take it, I just can't take it
I won't deny it's become and obsession
I gotta say it, say it…
Don't give me second hand love
You got to give it up
I won't take no second hand love
Cause enough is enough

Now tell me why can't you forget her?
Curse the day you met her
I don't wanna waste my time
So don't give me second hand love
Cause enough is enough

Second hand love
Can't do no second hand love!

She's in your head, sleeping in the closet
Telling you she wants you back
She's in our bed, baby just be honest
There's no way to handle that

Time for you to break away
It's time for you to let it go
I don't want no second place
I just want you for my own

Mirror lyrics:

I just want you for my own
I don't want no second place
It's time for you to let it go
Time for you to break away

There's no way to handle that
She's in our bed, baby just be honest
Telling you she wants you back
She's in your head, sleeping in the closet

Can't do no second hand love!
Second hand love

Cause enough is enough
So don't give me second hand love
I don't wanna waste my time
Curse the day you met her
Now tell me why can't you forget her?

Cause enough is enough
I won't take no second hand love
You got to give it up
Don't give me second hand love
I gotta say it, say it…
I won't deny it's become and obsession
I just can't take it, I just can't take it
I close my eyes and I see her reflection

And I ain't gonna sit with that
But now with you, I see a hidden meaning
Everybody's got a past
Ok, I knew, I knew from the beginning

Relevant Tags:
SSecond HHand LLove econd and ove eScond aHnd oLve zecond jand kove zSecond jHand kLove Szecond Hjand Lkove wecond uand oove
wSecond uHand oLove Swecond Huand Loove decond nand pove dSecond nHand pLove Sdecond Hnand Lpove eecond band eSecond bHand Lve
Seecond Hband Lvoe xecond gand Lkve xSecond gHand Sxecond Hgand Lokve aecond yand L9ve aSecond yHand L9ove Saecond Hyand Lo9ve
Haand L0ve Scond Hnd L0ove Sceond Hnad Lo0ve Sscond Hznd Llve Ssecond Hzand Llove Sescond Haznd Lolve S3cond Hqnd Live
S3econd Hqand Liove Se3cond Haqnd Loive Sfcond Hsnd Lovve Sfecond Hsand Loe Sefcond Hasnd Loev Srcond Hwnd Lobe Srecond Hwand Lobve
Sercond Hawnd Lovbe S4cond Hxnd Loce S4econd Hxand Locve Se4cond Haxnd Lovce Sdcond Hannd Loge Had Logve Sedcond Hadn Lovge
Swcond Hamd Lofe Hamnd Lofve Sewcond Hanmd Lovfe Seccond Hahd Lovee Seond Hahnd Lov Seocnd Hanhd Love Sefond Hajd Lovs
Hajnd Lovse Secfond Hanjd Loves Sexond Habd Lov3 Sexcond Habnd Lov3e Secxond Hanbd Love3 Sevond Handd Lovf

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