Not The One

Could you stop for a minute
i can't take another second
of you sitting here trying to explain
what you did and why you did it
I beg of you to admit it
your apologies are in vain

so tell me
you didn't mean to hurt me
you don't want to make me cry
but not another single tears will leave my eyes

believe me
things are outta hand
what don't you understand
you're not the one
believe me
take your things and go
here's what you need to know
you're not the one

just stop feeling ptiy
it's not really pretty
where is your self-respect
you got sacred of going steady
now you said that you'e ready
but you had some time to reflect
you tell me you didn't meant to hurt
like you didn't believe your own lie
you'll never get the chance to make it right

believe me
things are outta hand
what don't you understand
you're not the one
believe me
take your things and go
here's what you need to know
you're not the one

guess you don't know you had
until eveyrhting is gone
oh it's sad
how it comes back around
and we're nigh at letting go
and you keep holding on
so please prepare yourself
the pain and ohhhhh
ohhhhhhh yay

believe me
things are outta hand
what don't you understand
you're not the one
believe me
take your things and go
here's what you need to know
you're not the one

believe me
things are outta hand
what don't you understand
you're not the one
believe me
take your things and go
here's what you need to know
you're not the one

you're not you're not the
you're not you're not the
you're not the one for me
believe me
things are outta hand
what don't you understand
you're not the one
believe me
take your things and go
here's what you need to know
you're not the one

Mirror lyrics:

you're not the one
here's what you need to know
take your things and go
believe me
you're not the one
what don't you understand
things are outta hand
believe me
you're not the one for me
you're not you're not the
you're not you're not the

you're not the one
here's what you need to know
take your things and go
believe me
you're not the one
what don't you understand
things are outta hand
believe me

you're not the one
here's what you need to know
take your things and go
believe me
you're not the one
what don't you understand
things are outta hand
believe me

ohhhhhhh yay
the pain and ohhhhh
so please prepare yourself
and you keep holding on
and we're nigh at letting go
how it comes back around
oh it's sad
until eveyrhting is gone
guess you don't know you had

you're not the one
here's what you need to know
take your things and go
believe me
you're not the one
what don't you understand
things are outta hand
believe me

you'll never get the chance to make it right
like you didn't believe your own lie
you tell me you didn't meant to hurt
but you had some time to reflect
now you said that you'e ready
you got sacred of going steady
where is your self-respect
it's not really pretty
just stop feeling ptiy

you're not the one
here's what you need to know
take your things and go
believe me
you're not the one
what don't you understand
things are outta hand
believe me

but not another single tears will leave my eyes
you don't want to make me cry
you didn't mean to hurt me
so tell me

your apologies are in vain
I beg of you to admit it
what you did and why you did it
of you sitting here trying to explain
i can't take another second
Could you stop for a minute

Relevant Tags:
NNot TThe OOne ot he ne oNt hTe nOe mot fhe kne mNot fThe kOne Nmot Tfhe Okne hot 5he 9ne hNot 5The 9One Nhot T5he O9ne jot hhe 0ne
jNot hThe 0One Njot Thhe O0ne bot yhe lne bNot yThe lOne Nbot Tyhe Olne Noot 6he ine Nt 6The iOne Nto T6he Oine Nkt ghe Onne Nkot gThe Oe
Nokt Tghe Oen N9t rhe Ome N9ot rThe Omne No9t Trhe Onme N0t Ohe N0ot Te Ohne No0t Teh Onhe Nlt Tje Oje Nlot Tjhe Ojne Nolt Thje Onje
Nit Tue Obe Niot Tuhe Obne Noit Thue Onbe

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