11 Out Of 10 (seperated)

Well it ain't my style to be jealous of bad mouthin' but I've known
awhile I can see some trouble coming
Shut your eyes, but I think you might regret it will you take advice?
And remember that I said it baby
All + Chorus~
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
she's 11 out of 10 for misery so get your act together can't you see?
she's 11 out of 10 for vanity and everyone see's it but you when you
woken up came around when you broken up come around
Well, I know her type she's a mover and a shaker and when the time
is right she will turn around a break you
Get with me, I will cut the ties that bind you so tenderly give the
sign and I will find you
~repeat chorus~
11 out of 10 it don't add up 11 out of ten boy you 're stuck 11 out of
10 it's all messed up yeah yeah yeah yeah ~x2~
~chorus x2~

Mirror lyrics:

~chorus x2~
10 it's all messed up yeah yeah yeah yeah ~x2~
11 out of 10 it don't add up 11 out of ten boy you 're stuck 11 out of
~repeat chorus~
sign and I will find you
Get with me, I will cut the ties that bind you so tenderly give the
is right she will turn around a break you
Well, I know her type she's a mover and a shaker and when the time
woken up came around when you broken up come around
she's 11 out of 10 for vanity and everyone see's it but you when you
she's 11 out of 10 for misery so get your act together can't you see?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
All + Chorus~
And remember that I said it baby
Shut your eyes, but I think you might regret it will you take advice?
awhile I can see some trouble coming
Well it ain't my style to be jealous of bad mouthin' but I've known

Relevant Tags:
111 OOut OOf 110 ((seperated) 1 ut f 0 seperated) 11 uOt fO 01 s(eperated) 21 kut kf 20 (sseperated) 211 kOut kOf 210 (eperated) 121 Okut Okf 120 (esperated)
q1 9ut 9f q0 (zeperated) q11 9Out 9Of q10 (zseperated) 1q1 O9ut O9f 1q0 (szeperated) 0ut 0f 100 (weperated) 0Out 0Of 1 (wseperated) O0ut O0f 10 (sweperated)
12 lut lf 1p (deperated) lOut lOf 1p0 (dseperated) 112 Olut Olf 10p (sdeperated) 1q iut if 19 (eeperated) iOut iOf 190 (eseperated) 11q Oiut Oif 109 (seeperated)
Ouut Off 1o (xeperated) Ot O 1o0 (xseperated) Otu Of 10o (sxeperated) Oht Oc (aeperated) Ohut Ocf (aseperated) Ouht Ofc (saeperated)
O7t Or O7ut Orf (sperated) Ou7t Ofr (speerated) Okt Og (ssperated) Ogf Oukt Ofg (sesperated)
Oit Ot (s3perated) Otf (s3eperated) Ouit Oft (se3perated) O8t Ov (sfperated) O8ut Ovf (sfeperated) Ou8t Ofv (sefperated)
Ojt Od (srperated) Ojut Odf (sreperated) Oujt Ofd (serperated) Oyt (s4perated) Oyut (s4eperated) Ouyt (se4perated)
Outt (sdperated) Ou Out (sedperated) Ouf (swperated) Ouft Outf (sewperated)
Ou5 (sepperated) Ou5t (seerated) Out5 (seeprated) Ouh (se0erated) (se0perated) Outh (sep0erated)
Ouy (selerated) (selperated) Outy (seplerated) Ou6 (seoerated) Ou6t (seoperated) Out6 (sepoerated)
Oug (sepeerated) Ougt (seprated) Outg (sepreated) Our (sepsrated) Ourt (sepserated) Outr (sepesrated)
(sep3rated) (sep3erated) (sepe3rated) (sepfrated) (sepferated) (sepefrated)
(seprrated) (seprerated) (seperrated) (sep4rated) (sep4erated) (sepe4rated)
(sepdrated) (sepderated) (sepedrated) (sepwrated) (sepwerated) (sepewrated)
(sepeated) (sepearted) (sepedated) (seperdated) (sepe4ated)

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