I Will Seek You

Living water - I am thirsty and dry
Bread of heaven - only You satisfy
I am waiting for Your comfort and peace
Come and fill me, let this emptiness cease

I will seek You
I will find You
I will follow what I know is true
I will seek You
Like I used to
I will worship You

You are holy, You are a wonder to me
In creation I see Your majesty


Speak to me and I will listen
(Give me the call and point the way)
Lead me on and I will follow
(Hearing Your Word I will obey)


Mirror lyrics:


(Hearing Your Word I will obey)
Lead me on and I will follow
(Give me the call and point the way)
Speak to me and I will listen


In creation I see Your majesty
You are holy, You are a wonder to me

I will worship You
Like I used to
I will seek You
I will follow what I know is true
I will find You
I will seek You

Come and fill me, let this emptiness cease
I am waiting for Your comfort and peace
Bread of heaven - only You satisfy
Living water - I am thirsty and dry

Relevant Tags:
II WWill SSeek YYou ill eek ou I iWll eSek oYu j aill zeek gou jI aWill zSeek gYou Ij Waill Szeek Ygou 9 3ill week hou
9I 3Will wSeek hYou I9 W3ill Sweek Yhou l dill deek 6ou lI dWill dSeek 6You Il Wdill Sdeek Y6ou o eill eeek uou oI eWill eSeek uYou
Io Weill Seeek Yuou k sill xeek 7ou kI sWill xSeek 7You Ik Wsill Sxeek Y7ou 8 2ill aeek jou 8I 2Will aSeek jYou I8 W2ill Saeek Yjou
u qill tou uI qWill Sek tYou Iu Wqill Seek Ytou Wiill Ssek Yoou Wll Sseek Yu Wlil Sesek Yuo Wjll S3ek Yku
Wjill S3eek Ykou Wijll Se3ek Yoku W9ll Sfek Y9u W9ill Sfeek Y9ou Wi9ll Sefek Yo9u Wlll Srek Y0u Wlill Sreek Y0ou
Willl Serek Yo0u Woll S4ek Ylu

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