He's Been In My Shoes

Here in my hour of need
I'm lonely, forsaken again
I'm wounded and left here to bleed
With no solace from a stranger or friend
Who hears my cry to revive and restore?
One who has been here before

He's been in my shoes
Been down this road before
He's been tested, too
He's been through this door
He feels the pain and He heals the bruise
He's been in my shoes
He's been in my shoes

The union of God in a man
Is a mystery that I can't understand
And now with my suffering known
I'm reminded that I'm never alone
Who has been tried and been tempted this way?
Jesus who now hears me pray

He was a man just like me
But He lived His life blamelessly
Now I'm beginning to see
He holds my hand
He understands

Mirror lyrics:

He understands
He holds my hand
Now I'm beginning to see
But He lived His life blamelessly
He was a man just like me

Jesus who now hears me pray
Who has been tried and been tempted this way?
I'm reminded that I'm never alone
And now with my suffering known
Is a mystery that I can't understand
The union of God in a man

He's been in my shoes
He's been in my shoes
He feels the pain and He heals the bruise
He's been through this door
He's been tested, too
Been down this road before
He's been in my shoes

One who has been here before
Who hears my cry to revive and restore?
With no solace from a stranger or friend
I'm wounded and left here to bleed
I'm lonely, forsaken again
Here in my hour of need

Relevant Tags:
HHe's BBeen IIn MMy SShoes e's een n y hoes eH's eBen nI yM hSoes je's veen jn jy zhoes jHe's vBeen jIn jMy zShoes Hje's Bveen Ijn Mjy Szhoes
ue's geen 9n ky whoes uHe's gBeen 9In kMy wShoes Hue's Bgeen I9n Mky Swhoes ne's neen ln ny dhoes nHe's nBeen lIn nMy dShoes Hne's Bneen Iln Mny Sdhoes
be's heen on Myy ehoes bHe's hBeen oIn M eShoes Hbe's Bheen Ion My Sehoes ge's Beeen kn Mg xhoes gHe's Ben kIn Mgy xShoes Hge's Been Ikn Myg Sxhoes
ye's Bsen 8n Mh ahoes yHe's Bseen 8In Mhy aShoes Hye's Besen I8n Myh Sahoes Hee's B3en un M6 Shhoes H's B3een uIn M6y Soes H'es Be3en Iun My6 Sohes
Hs's Bfen Inn Mu Sjoes Hse's Bfeen I Muy Sjhoes Hes's Befen In Myu Shjoes H3's Bren Im M7 Suoes H3e's Breen Imn M7y Suhoes He3's Beren Inm My7 Shuoes
Hf's B4en Ih Mj Snoes Hfe's B4een Ihn Snhoes Hef's Be4en Inh Myj Shnoes Hr's Bden Ij Mt Sboes Hre's Bdeen Mty Sbhoes Her's Beden Inj Myt Shboes
H4's Bwen Ib Sgoes H4e's Bween Ibn Sghoes He4's Bewen Inb Shgoes Hd's Syoes Hde's Syhoes Hed's Bene Shyoes
Hw's Besn Shooes Hwe's Shes Hew's Beesn Sheos He''s Be3n Shkes Hes Shkoes Hes' Bee3n Shokes
He'ss Befn Sh9es He' Sh9oes He's Beefn Sho9es

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