Peter Wolf
Nothing But The Wheel

When I'm passed the boulevards

Out here underneath the stars

I?ve been flyin' past the houses, farms and fields

Leavin' all I know, back home

Rushin' through the cold night air

I?m holdin' on to nothin?, but the wheel

Stayin' clear of the interstate

I?m seekin' out those old two lanes

An' tryin' to explain the way I feel

Till all at once it?s half past three

An' it?s down to the trust and me

An' I?m holdin' on to nothing but the wheel

I?ve been tryin' to drive you off my mind

Let it that way be, I can leave it all behind

An' forty one goes on and on

An' the lights go winding in the dawn

An' the sky?s the color now of polished steel

An' the only thing I know for sure

You don?t want me anymore

Then I?m holdin' on to nothing but the wheel

I?ve been tryin' to drive you off my mind

An' let it that way baby, I can leave it all behind

An' the only thing I know for sure

Is you don?t want me anymore

An' I?m holdin' on to nothing but the wheel

An' I?m holdin' on to nothing but the wheel

Gettin' down old forty one

An' forty one takes on and on

An' the lights go winding in the dawn

An' I?m holdin' on in the corner, yeah

I'm holdin' on, holdin' on, holdin' on, holdin' on

An' the only thing I know for sure

Is you don?t want me anymore

An' I?m holdin' on to nothin? but the wheel, oh yeah

Mirror lyrics:

An' I?m holdin' on to nothin? but the wheel, oh yeah

Is you don?t want me anymore

An' the only thing I know for sure

I'm holdin' on, holdin' on, holdin' on, holdin' on

An' I?m holdin' on in the corner, yeah

An' the lights go winding in the dawn

An' forty one takes on and on

Gettin' down old forty one

An' I?m holdin' on to nothing but the wheel

An' I?m holdin' on to nothing but the wheel

Is you don?t want me anymore

An' the only thing I know for sure

An' let it that way baby, I can leave it all behind

I?ve been tryin' to drive you off my mind

Then I?m holdin' on to nothing but the wheel

You don?t want me anymore

An' the only thing I know for sure

An' the sky?s the color now of polished steel

An' the lights go winding in the dawn

An' forty one goes on and on

Let it that way be, I can leave it all behind

I?ve been tryin' to drive you off my mind

An' I?m holdin' on to nothing but the wheel

An' it?s down to the trust and me

Till all at once it?s half past three

An' tryin' to explain the way I feel

I?m seekin' out those old two lanes

Stayin' clear of the interstate

I?m holdin' on to nothin?, but the wheel

Rushin' through the cold night air

Leavin' all I know, back home

I?ve been flyin' past the houses, farms and fields

Out here underneath the stars

When I'm passed the boulevards

Relevant Tags:
NNothing BBut TThe WWheel othing ut he heel oNthing uBt hTe hWeel mothing vut fhe aheel mNothing vBut fThe aWheel Nmothing Bvut Tfhe Waheel
hothing gut 5he 3heel hNothing gBut 5The 3Wheel Nhothing Bgut T5he W3heel jothing nut hhe dheel jNothing nBut hThe dWheel Njothing Bnut Thhe Wdheel
bothing hut yhe eheel bNothing hBut yThe eWheel Nbothing Bhut Tyhe Weheel Noothing Buut 6he sheel Nthing Bt 6The sWheel Ntohing Btu T6he Wsheel
Nkthing Bht ghe 2heel Nkothing gThe 2Wheel Nokthing Buht Tghe W2heel N9thing B7t rhe qheel N9othing B7ut rThe qWheel No9thing Bu7t Trhe Wqheel
N0thing Bkt Whheel N0othing Bkut Te Weel No0thing Bukt Teh Wehel Nlthing Bit Tje Wjeel Nlothing Biut Tjhe Wjheel Nolthing Buit Thje Whjeel
Nithing B8t Tue Wueel Niothing B8ut Tuhe Wuheel Noithing Bu8t Thue Whueel Notthing Bjt Tne Wneel Nohing Bjut Tnhe Wnheel Nohting Bujt Thne Whneel
Nofhing Byt Tbe Wbeel Nofthing Byut Tbhe Wbheel Notfhing Buyt Thbe Whbeel No5hing Butt Tge Wgeel No5thing Bu Wgheel Not5hing But Thge Whgeel
Nohhing Buf Tye Wyeel Nohthing Buft Wyheel Nothhing Butf Thye Whyeel Noyhing Bu5 Thee Wheeel Noything Bu5t Th Whel Notyhing But5 The Wheel
No6hing Buh Ths Whsel No6thing Thse Whseel Not6hing Buth Thes Whesel Noghing Buy Th3 Wh3el Nogthing Th3e Wh3eel Notghing Buty The3 Whe3el
Norhing Bu6 Thf Whfel Northing Bu6t Thfe Whfeel Notrhing But6 Thef Whefel Bug Thr Whrel Noting Bugt Thre Whreel Notihng Butg Ther Wherel
Notjing Bur Th4 Wh4el Notjhing Burt Th4e Wh4eel Nothjing Butr The4 Whe4el Notuing Thd Whdel Notuhing Thde Whdeel

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