Peter Paul And Mary
Right Field

Saturday summers, when I was a kid
Wed run to the schoolyard and heres what we did
Wed pick out the captains and wed choose up the teams
It was always a measure of my self esteem
Cuz the fastest, the strongest, played shortstop and first
The last ones they picked were the worst
I never needed to ask, it was sealed,
I just took up my place in right field.

Right field, its easy, you know.
You can be awkward and you can be slow
Thats why Im here in right field
Just watching the dandelions grow

Playing right field can be lonely and dull
Little leagues never have lefties that pull
Id dream of the day theyd hit one my way
They never did, but still I would pray
That Id make a fantastic catch on the run
And not lose the ball in the sun
And then Id awake from this long reverie
And pray that the ball never came out to me
Here in...


Off in the distance, the games dragging on,
Theres strikes on the batter, some runners are on.
I dont know the inning, Ive forgotten the score.
The whole team is yelling and I dont know what for.
Then suddenly everyones looking at me
My mind has been wandering; what could it be?
They point at the sky and I look up above
And a baseball falls into my glove!

Here in right field, its important you know.
You gotta know how to catch, you gotta know how to throw,
Thats why Im here in right field, just watching the dandelions grow!

Mirror lyrics:

Thats why Im here in right field, just watching the dandelions grow!
You gotta know how to catch, you gotta know how to throw,
Here in right field, its important you know.

And a baseball falls into my glove!
They point at the sky and I look up above
My mind has been wandering; what could it be?
Then suddenly everyones looking at me
The whole team is yelling and I dont know what for.
I dont know the inning, Ive forgotten the score.
Theres strikes on the batter, some runners are on.
Off in the distance, the games dragging on,


Here in...
And pray that the ball never came out to me
And then Id awake from this long reverie
And not lose the ball in the sun
That Id make a fantastic catch on the run
They never did, but still I would pray
Id dream of the day theyd hit one my way
Little leagues never have lefties that pull
Playing right field can be lonely and dull

Just watching the dandelions grow
Thats why Im here in right field
You can be awkward and you can be slow
Right field, its easy, you know.

I just took up my place in right field.
I never needed to ask, it was sealed,
The last ones they picked were the worst
Cuz the fastest, the strongest, played shortstop and first
It was always a measure of my self esteem
Wed pick out the captains and wed choose up the teams
Wed run to the schoolyard and heres what we did
Saturday summers, when I was a kid

Relevant Tags:
RRight FField ight ield iRght iFeld dight cield dRight cField Rdight Fcield 4ight rield 4Right rField R4ight Frield gight gield
gRight gField Rgight Fgield tight tield tRight tField Rtight Ftield 5ight vield 5Right vField R5ight Fvield fight dield fRight dField
Rfight Fdield eight Fiield eRight Feld Reight Feild Riight Fjeld Rght Fjield Rgiht Fijeld Rjght F9eld Rjight F9ield Rijght Fi9eld
R9ght Fleld R9ight Flield Ri9ght Fileld Rlght Foeld Rlight Foield Rilght Fioeld Roght Fkeld Roight Fkield Rioght Fikeld Rkght F8eld
Rkight F8ield Rikght Fi8eld R8ght Fueld R8ight Fuield Ri8ght Fiueld Rught Fieeld Ruight Fild Riught Filed Rigght Fisld Riht Fiseld
Rihgt Fiesld Rihht Fi3ld Rihght Fi3eld Righht Fie3ld

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