Peter Pan
Distant Melody

Once upon a time and long ago
I heard someone singing
Soft and low
Now when day is done
And night is near
I recall this song I used to hear
My child, my very own,
Don't be afraid, you're not alone
Sleep until the dawn
For all is well
Long ago this song was sung to me
Now it's just a distant melody
Somewhere from the past I used to know
Once upon a time
And long ago...

Mirror lyrics:

And long ago...
Once upon a time
Somewhere from the past I used to know
Now it's just a distant melody
Long ago this song was sung to me
For all is well
Sleep until the dawn
Don't be afraid, you're not alone
My child, my very own,
I recall this song I used to hear
And night is near
Now when day is done
Soft and low
I heard someone singing
Once upon a time and long ago

Relevant Tags:
DDistant MMelody istant elody iDstant eMlody xistant jelody xDistant jMelody Dxistant Mjelody eistant kelody eDistant kMelody
Deistant Mkelody fistant nelody fDistant nMelody Dfistant Mnelody ristant Meelody rDistant Mlody Dristant Mleody cistant Mslody
cDistant Mselody Dcistant Meslody sistant M3lody sDistant M3elody Dsistant Me3lody Diistant Mflody Dstant Mfelody Dsitant Meflody
Djstant Mrlody Djistant Mrelody Dijstant Merlody D9stant M4lody D9istant M4elody Di9stant Me4lody Dlstant Mdlody Dlistant Mdelody
Dilstant Medlody Dostant Mwlody Doistant Mwelody Diostant Mewlody Dkstant Mellody Dkistant Meody Dikstant Meoldy D8stant Mekody
D8istant Meklody Di8stant Melkody Dustant Meoody Duistant Meolody Diustant Meloody Disstant Mepody Ditant Meplody Ditsant Melpody
Diztant Dizstant Meldy Disztant Meldoy Diwtant Melkdy Diwstant Diswtant Melokdy Didtant Mel9dy Didstant Mel9ody
Disdtant Melo9dy Dietant Mel0dy Diestant Mel0ody Disetant Melo0dy Dixtant Melldy Dixstant Disxtant Meloldy Diatant Melidy
Diastant Meliody Disatant Meloidy Disttant Meloddy Disant Meloy Disatnt Meloyd Disfant Meloxy Disftant Meloxdy Distfant Melodxy
Dis5ant Meloey

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