Peter Murphy
Time Has Got Nothing To Do With It

Time Has Got Nothing to Do with it

Make me a mannered, a mannered thing
Carved of wood, a life force thing
Give it an arm, that points to the earth
And a hand, that points at me
No matter where I stand
No matter where I stand
And knows all that we can't see

The clock cannot be turned
With remorseful yearns
Time has nothing to do with it
You would see, you would see
If you were three again
And did it all the same
Fate drives you insane
Fate drives you insane

And did you throw you in the road
Put your face to shame
Did you think your mouth could teach
Make you think you think
It's got a lot to do with
It's got a lot to do
Let's get nothing, nothing askew

Time has got nothing to do with it
Time has got nothing to do with it
Time has got nothing to do with it
Time has got nothing to do with it

Change is insane with eyes that blame
And morals that blank the lines
Of transmissions new
If only we knew
It's not all happening here
There blanks are scarce
And blindness is forgot
Is forgot

The perfect plan
Is not the man
Who tells you
You are wrong

Time has got nothing to do with it
Time has got nothing to do with it

Disappear into the clear
And visions understood
Wrestle now and shout the vow
The illusion is the pain
The illusion is the pain

Time has got nothing to do with it
Time has got nothing to do with it
Time has got nothing to do with it
Time has got nothing to do with it
Time has got nothing to do with it

Mirror lyrics:

Time has got nothing to do with it
Time has got nothing to do with it
Time has got nothing to do with it
Time has got nothing to do with it
Time has got nothing to do with it

The illusion is the pain
The illusion is the pain
Wrestle now and shout the vow
And visions understood
Disappear into the clear

Time has got nothing to do with it
Time has got nothing to do with it

You are wrong
Who tells you
Is not the man
The perfect plan

Is forgot
And blindness is forgot
There blanks are scarce
It's not all happening here
If only we knew
Of transmissions new
And morals that blank the lines
Change is insane with eyes that blame

Time has got nothing to do with it
Time has got nothing to do with it
Time has got nothing to do with it
Time has got nothing to do with it

Let's get nothing, nothing askew
It's got a lot to do
It's got a lot to do with
Make you think you think
Did you think your mouth could teach
Put your face to shame
And did you throw you in the road

Fate drives you insane
Fate drives you insane
And did it all the same
If you were three again
You would see, you would see
Time has nothing to do with it
With remorseful yearns
The clock cannot be turned

And knows all that we can't see
No matter where I stand
No matter where I stand
And a hand, that points at me
Give it an arm, that points to the earth
Carved of wood, a life force thing
Make me a mannered, a mannered thing

Time Has Got Nothing to Do with it

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TTime HHas GGot NNothing TTo DDo WWith IIt ime as ot othing o o ith t iTme aHs oGt oNthing oT oD iWth tI fime jas hot mothing fo xo aith jt fTime jHas hGot mNothing fTo xDo aWith jIt
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6ime gas fot Noothing 6o co sith kt 6Time gHas fGot Nthing 6To cDo sWith kIt T6ime Hgas Gfot Ntohing T6o Dco Wsith Ikt gime yas tot Nkthing go so 2ith 8t gTime yHas tGot Nkothing gTo sDo 2With 8It
Tgime Hyas Gtot Nokthing Tgo Dso W2ith I8t rime Haas Goot N9thing ro Doo qith ut rTime Hs Gt N9othing rTo D qWith uIt Trime Hsa Gto No9thing Tro Do Wqith Iut Tiime Hzs Gkt N0thing Too Dk Wiith Itt
Tme Hzas Gkot N0othing T Dko Wth I Tmie Hazs Gokt No0thing To Dok Wtih It Tjme Hqs G9t Nlthing Tk D9 Wjth If Tjime Hqas G9ot Nlothing Tko D9o Wjith Ift Tijme Haqs Go9t Nolthing Tok Do9 Wijth Itf
T9me Hss G0t Nithing T9 D0 W9th I5 T9ime Hsas G0ot Niothing T9o D0o W9ith I5t Ti9me Hass Go0t Noithing To9 Do0 Wi9th It5 Tlme Hws Glt Notthing T0 Dl Wlth Ih Tlime Hwas Glot Nohing T0o Dlo Wlith Iht
Tilme Haws Golt Nohting To0 Dol Wilth Ith Tome Hxs Git Nofhing Tl Di Woth Iy Toime Hxas Giot Nofthing Tlo Dio Woith Iyt Tiome Haxs Goit Notfhing Tol Doi Wioth Ity Tkme Gott No5hing Ti Wkth I6
Tkime Ha Go No5thing Tio Wkith I6t Tikme Has Got Not5hing Toi Wikth It6 T8me Haz Gof Nohhing W8th Ig T8ime Goft Nohthing W8ith Igt Ti8me Hasz Gotf Nothhing Wi8th Itg
Tume Haw Go5 Noyhing Wuth Ir Tuime Go5t Noything Wuith Irt Tiume Hasw Got5 Notyhing Wiuth Itr Timme Had Goh No6hing Witth Tie Hads Goht No6thing Wih
Tiem Hasd Goth Not6hing Wiht Tije Hae Goy Noghing Wifh Haes Goyt Nogthing Wifth Timje Hase Goty Notghing Witfh Tike Hax Go6 Norhing Wi5h
Go6t Northing Wi5th Timke Hasx Got6 Notrhing Wit5h Tine Haa Gog Wihh Tinme Gogt Noting Wihth Timne Hasa Gotg Notihng Withh
Timee Gor Notjing Wiyh Tim Gort Notjhing Wiyth Time Gotr Nothjing Wityh Tims Notuing Wi6h Timse Notuhing Wi6th

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