Peter Mayer
Loose In The World

Through the wires it rips and rages
High above the farm and city griddle lines
Through the ink of thinking sages
Sleepin' man in a bed of pages, weaves the hand of the divine

We got our maps and clues, police and policy
Still we cannot trace the spirits nest
We hunt for miles and all the while it paints the scenery
Scatters and whirls an arabesque

Hey ey Hey ey this mercy moves
God is loose hey ey
God is loose in the world
Hey ey Hey ey the universe is singing
Loose hey hey Love is loose in the world

We better lock him up the crazy man
He's causing trouble, brewing storms
Traded fashion for compassion
The revolution fought with kindness not a sword

The word went leaping off the pages
Breaking in the windows and leaping over walls
All you asked for was a cool glass of water
And you got a waterfall

Hey ey Hey ey this mercy moves
Love is loose hey ey
Love is loose in the world
Hey ey Hey ey the universe is singing
Loose hey hey God is loose in the world

Tears of sadness for the hands that kill
Tears of joy when life is born
Hear the song of freedom and my sails are filled
In a rusty nail a cross and a temple curtain torn

Oh Oh Oh Oh hear the news
Love is loose hey ey
Love is loose in the world
Hey ey Hey ey the universe is singing
Loose hey hey God is loose in the world

Mirror lyrics:

Loose hey hey God is loose in the world
Hey ey Hey ey the universe is singing
Love is loose in the world
Love is loose hey ey
Oh Oh Oh Oh hear the news

In a rusty nail a cross and a temple curtain torn
Hear the song of freedom and my sails are filled
Tears of joy when life is born
Tears of sadness for the hands that kill

Loose hey hey God is loose in the world
Hey ey Hey ey the universe is singing
Love is loose in the world
Love is loose hey ey
Hey ey Hey ey this mercy moves

And you got a waterfall
All you asked for was a cool glass of water
Breaking in the windows and leaping over walls
The word went leaping off the pages

The revolution fought with kindness not a sword
Traded fashion for compassion
He's causing trouble, brewing storms
We better lock him up the crazy man

Loose hey hey Love is loose in the world
Hey ey Hey ey the universe is singing
God is loose in the world
God is loose hey ey
Hey ey Hey ey this mercy moves

Scatters and whirls an arabesque
We hunt for miles and all the while it paints the scenery
Still we cannot trace the spirits nest
We got our maps and clues, police and policy

Sleepin' man in a bed of pages, weaves the hand of the divine
Through the ink of thinking sages
High above the farm and city griddle lines
Through the wires it rips and rages

Relevant Tags:
LLoose IIn TThe WWorld oose n he orld oLose nI hTe oWrld koose jn fhe aorld kLoose jIn fThe aWorld Lkoose Ijn Tfhe Waorld
ooose 9n 5he 3orld oLoose 9In 5The 3World Looose I9n T5he W3orld poose ln hhe dorld pLoose lIn hThe dWorld Lpoose Iln Thhe Wdorld
on yhe eorld Lose oIn yThe eWorld Loose Ion Tyhe Weorld Lkose kn 6he sorld kIn 6The sWorld Lokose Ikn T6he Wsorld
L9ose 8n ghe 2orld L9oose 8In gThe 2World Lo9ose I8n Tghe W2orld L0ose un rhe qorld L0oose uIn rThe qWorld Lo0ose Iun Trhe Wqorld
Llose Inn Woorld Lloose I Te Wrld Lolose In Teh Wrold Liose Im Tje Wkrld Lioose Imn Tjhe Wkorld Loiose Inm Thje Wokrld
Ih Tue W9rld Ihn Tuhe W9orld Losoe Inh Thue Wo9rld Lokse Ij Tne W0rld Tnhe W0orld Lookse Inj Thne Wo0rld
Lo9se Ib Tbe Wlrld Ibn Tbhe Wlorld Loo9se Inb Thbe Wolrld Lo0se Tge Wirld Wiorld Loo0se Thge Woirld
Lolse Tye Worrld Wold Loolse Thye Wolrd Loise Thee Wodld Th Wodrld Looise The Wordld
Loosse Ths Wo4ld Looe Thse Wo4rld

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