Pokemon (related Recordings)
I Wanna Be A Hero

A kid from Pallet town
Whole new world to see
Don't know what's ahead
But it won't get the best of me

There's so much to learn,
Battles to be won
I've advanced so far,
But still there's always more to come

(Take a step and I'm on my way,
Gonna start all over again)

I wanna be a hero
(Pokemon Advanced)
(I'm on my way)
I wanna be a hero
Come on,give me just one chance

And the future will decide
If there's a hero buried deep inside

I wanna be a hero

Mirror lyrics:

I wanna be a hero

If there's a hero buried deep inside
And the future will decide

Come on,give me just one chance
I wanna be a hero
(I'm on my way)
(Pokemon Advanced)
I wanna be a hero

Gonna start all over again)
(Take a step and I'm on my way,

But still there's always more to come
I've advanced so far,
Battles to be won
There's so much to learn,

But it won't get the best of me
Don't know what's ahead
Whole new world to see
A kid from Pallet town

Relevant Tags:
II WWanna BBe AA HHero anna e ero I aWnna eB A eHro j aanna ve z jero jI aWanna vBe zA jHero Ij Waanna Bve Az Hjero
9 3anna ge q uero 9I 3Wanna gBe qA uHero I9 W3anna Bge Aq Huero l danna ne s nero lI dWanna nBe sA nHero Il Wdanna Bne As Hnero
o eanna he w bero oI eWanna hBe wA bHero Io Weanna Bhe Aw Hbero k sanna Bee x gero kI sWanna B xA gHero Ik Wsanna Be Ax Hgero
8 2anna Bs yero 8I 2Wanna Bse yHero I8 W2anna Bes Hyero u qanna B3 Heero uI qWanna B3e Hro Iu Wqanna Be3 Hreo
Bf Hsro Wnna Bfe Hsero Wnana Bef Hesro Wznna Br H3ro Wzanna Bre H3ero Waznna Ber He3ro
Wqnna B4 Hfro B4e Hfero Waqnna Be4 Hefro Wsnna Bd Hrro Bde Hrero Wasnna Bed Herro
Wwnna Bw H4ro Wwanna Bwe H4ero Wawnna Bew He4ro Wxnna Hdro Wxanna Hdero

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